Monday, September 30, 2019
Research Change Models Essay
To make meaningful and long-term change in an organization, an organization needs to follow the guidelines of a change model, a diagnostic instrument, and change intervention. This paper will discuss two change models, two diagnostic instruments, and two change interventions. Change Models The two change models discussed in this paper are Lewin’s Change Model and the Action Research Model. Both of these models give a map on how to create change. Lewin’s model simplifies the process into three steps while the Action Research Model consists of eight steps. Both models three phases: Research phase, changing phase, and solidification phase (Luckett, 2003). Lewin’s Change Model Lewin developed one of the very first models for change management (Luckett, 2003). He stated there are two types of people in an organization; those who resist change and those who strive for change (Luckett, 2003; JPC, 1995; Spector, 2007). He stated the two groups need to be of equal measure to maintain homeostasis (Luckett, 2003; JPC, 1995; Pellettiere, 2006; Spector, 2007). When both groups of people are equal, a frozed state (freeze) is achieved. Lewin (as cited by JPC, 1995) states a driving force is needed to either â€Å"strengthen the driving forces or weaken the restraining forces†to achieve change (para 3). Spector (2007) states, â€Å"to break the social habits that support existing patterns of behaviors, effective implementation needs to start with dissatisfaction, disequilibrium, and discomfort†(p. 29). When one side is strengthened and/or one side is weakened then change (move) can be achieved. During this time, the organization goes through redesign, new roles and responsibilities, and new relationships are made (Spector, 2007). After the change, or movement, is completed, the organization then needs to go back to a state of homeostasis (refreeze). Bridges (2003) echoed Lewin’s three stages to organizational change in his naming of the stages: Ending, losing, letting go; neutral zone, and New Beginning (Bridges, 2003, p. 5 as cited by Stragalas, 2010, p. 31). Lewin’s model with its three steps may be too simplistic for many organizations to achieve change. Without a less ambiguous map, the organization may not be able to sustain change. Action Research Model The Action Research Model consists of eight steps: Problem identification, consultation with behavioral science expert, data gathering and preliminary diagnosis, feedback to key client or group, joint diagnosis of problem, joint action planning, action, and data gathering after collection (Boonstra, 2003; Luckett, 2003). The last five stages can be perpetual. After the last data gathering, the organization should return to â€Å"feedback to key client or group†. Once the feedback is given, the group may want to continue through the next steps. Whereas the diagnosis is completed through the â€Å"unfreeze†in Lewin’s model, in the Action Research model, diagnosis is completed during the â€Å"problem identification, consultation, and data gathering steps†(Luckett, 2003, p. 25). The changing phase for Lewin is the â€Å"move†step. In the Action Research model, the changing phase occurs during the â€Å"feedback, joint diagnosis, action planning, and action steps†(Luckett, 2003, p. 26). In Lewin’s model, the solidified phase takes place during the refreeze. In the Action Research model, solidification takes place during the â€Å"gathering after the action†(Luckett, 2003, p. 26). Moreover, â€Å"the continual process of feedback analysis solidifies the changes as the occur†(Luckett, 2003, p. 27). Unlike the Lewin model, Action Research allows for perpetual analysis that â€Å"facilitates adjustments in the organizations change plan†(Luckett, 2003, p. 28). Diagnostic Instruments Diagnostic instruments, or assessment instruments, are used for data collection and to analyze an organization. Without a proper diagnosis, change is very likely to fail (Pellettiere, 2006). Alderfer (1980) states â€Å"organizational diagnosis proceeds in there orderly phases: entry, data collection, and feedback†(p. 460). The entry phase consists of identifying who will participate in the assessment and if an agreement can be reached (Alderfer, 1980). The data collection phase consists of collecting the information and then analysis of the information (Alderfer, 1980). The feedback phase consists of sharing the results with the organization along with suggestions for the organization (Alderfer, 1980; Preziosi, 2012). The feedback should consist of strengths and weaknesses within the organization (Alderfer, 1980). Salem (2002) states there are three type of assessments: structural assessments, functional assessments, and process assessments. Structural assessments are a snapshot of a specific point in time, functional assessments relates antecedents with actions and outcomes, and process assessments consists of collecting data over an extended period of time (Alderfer, 1980). SWOT Analysis SWOT Anlysis is an acronym which stands for strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (Balamuralikrishna & Dugger, 1995; Boonstra, 2003; Hughes, 2007; Mind Tools, 2012; RapidBI, 2010; Renault, 2012). According to Balamuralikrishna & Dugger (1995), a SWOT analysis should cover the internal environment and external environment. In regards to education, the internal environment consists of â€Å"faculty and staff, the learning environment, current students, operating budget, various committees, and research programs†(Balamuralikrishna & Dugger, 1995, para. 13). External environment includes â€Å"propective employers of graduates, parents and families of students, competing schools, population demographics, and funding agencies†(Balamuralikrishna & Dugger, 1995, para. 14). SWOT analysis would be very beneficial to school systems. Understanding an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats assists the organization and their leaders to develop a plan of change that will be meaningful, measurable, and achievable. Balamuralikrishna & Dugger, 1995 give many drawbacks to the SWOT analysis. They warn against misusing information to â€Å"justify a previously decided course of action rather than used as a means to open up new possibilities†(Balamuralikrishna & Dugger, 1995, para. 19). They also warn against being too concerned about labels. For example, in many instances threats can also be considered opportunities depending upon the mindset of the leader and/or organization (Balamuralikrishna & Dugger, 1995). Functional Assessment Functional assessments are another diagnostic tool useful to organizations. Functional assessments look at antecedents, behaviors, reasons for the behaviors, and outcomes (Salem, 2002). Antecedents describe what happened before the behavior. The behavior refers to how a person(s) or organization responded to the antecedent. The next question one must ask is â€Å"why did the person(s)/organization act this way?†There are several reasons a person or organization responds the way they do. However, there are only a few categories for any given behavior: attention, avoidance/escape, and control/tangible (McConnell, Cox, Thomas, & Hilvitz, 2001). Finding the reasoning behind a behavior can be very important in overcoming a behavior/resistance to change or to repeat desirable behaviors to change. Problems associated with functional assessments often revolve around lack of direction. What does the organization do with this data? Functional assessments should be followed by goals. Go als are long-term change for an organization. To achieve their goals, organizations need to develop short-term wins, also called objectives. Change Interventions Change interventions are the â€Å"planned programmatic activities aimed at bringing changes in an organization†(Sadhu, 2009, para. 1). Interventions are detailed maps to help an organization achieve its long-term change. Aligning Reward Systems through Objectives Objectives are a road map to achieving an organizations long-term goal. Objectives need to be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely (Morrison, 2010). As employees or other stakeholders meet objectives, a reward system should be set in place. The reward system needs to be appropriate and balanced with regard to the objective and motivate the organization to meet the objective(s) by the deadline. Problems with reward systems include over compensating, under compensating, and the reward not being meaningful to the recipient (Cole, Harris, & Bernerth, 2006; Morrison, 2010; Nevis, Melnick, Nevis, 2008; Sadhu, 2009. Polarity Management Intervention Morrison (2010) states there are benefits of embracing resistance. He states embracing resistance can speed up the change process, help build strong relationships, help all stakeholders to meet some of their own personal goals, and keeping leaders from â€Å"taking untimely or foolish action†(Morrison, 2010, para. 22). Johnson (1992) developed a table with four quadrants to â€Å"depict change initiators and resisters†for both individuals and teams. Using this table helps organizations to see the whole picture, understanding where individuals and the organization as a whole is at this time and how to get it individuals and teams from polar opposites to common ground so change can be made (Morrison, 2010). Downsides to Polarity Management Intervention include loosing individual creativity and freedom as well as neglect of personal needs (Morrison, 2010). References Aderfer, C.P. (1980). The methodology of organizational diagnosis. Professional Psychology, 11(3), 459-468. doi:10.0033-0175/80/1103-0459. Balamuralikrishna, R., & Dugger, J.C. (1995). SWOT analysis: A management tool for initiating new programs in vocational schools. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 12(1), 5 pages. Retrieved from Boonstra, J. (2003). Dynamics of organizational change and learning. Chichester: Wiley. Cole, M.S., Harris, S.G., & Bernerth, J.B. (2006). Exploring the implications of vision, appropriateness, and execution of organizational change. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(5), 352-367. doi: Holt, D.T. (2002). Readiness for change: The development of a scale. Ph.D. dissertation, Auburn University, Alabama. ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3070767. Huges, M. (2007). The tools and techniques of change management. Journal of change management, 7(1), 37-49. doi: 10.1080/14697010309435. JPC (1995). An ethical, means based, approach to organizational change. JPC Media LLC. Retrieved from Linkage (2012). Diagnostic instruments and assessments. Linkage. Retrieved from Luckett, M.T. (2003). Organizational change and development. (Unpublished dissertation). Walden University, Minneapolis, MN. McConnell, M.E., Cox, C.J., Thomas, D.D., & Hilvitz, P.B. (2001). Functional
Analysing on Liberty by John Stuart Mill Essay
Humanity’s attempts to study the state of society have stretched back throughout the ages. From forefathers such as Socrates or Aristophanes to the great enlightenment philosophers of Locke or Voltaire, all have grappled with the questions of how humanity best functions as a collective. John Stuart Mill, hailed as a paradigmatic liberal political philosopher, continues this tradition of thought in his work On Liberty published in 1859. Mill’s major argument made is that the individual is sovereign in their actions insofar as they do not impeach upon the rights of others. His justifications centre strongly on the principles of utilitarianism, providing a model he believes to offer the greatest happiness to the greatest number. Through specific analysis it can be seen that he optimizes societal benefit by placing import on individuality but conversely justifying exactly when governance and restraint need to be exercised. Overall, his conclusions are an attempt to unify two competing social factors, individual liberty against circumstances in which power can be exerted over another, articulated in what has become known as the ‘harm principle’. The first and most fundamental principle Mill holds is outlined in the introductory chapter and describes the necessity for man to be free over â€Å"Over himself, over his own body and mind†(Mill, 1859: 31). Individual liberty is not only considered personally fulfilling, but also beneficial to the progress of civilisation for â€Å"Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest†(Mill, 1859: 33). It is important to note that Mill does not endorse freedom of expression for its own sake but for the greater purpose of stimulating discourse â€Å"His argument for liberty of expression is in fact an argument for liberty of discussion†(Larvor, 2006: 3) To support his claims, he highlights three primary freedoms in order of importance. Firstly, the freedom of thought itself should be unrestricted; second we should have the freedom to pursue ‘tastes †¦ to suit our own character’ (Mill, 1859: 33) regardless of whether social convention deems otherwise; lastly, the freedom for citizens to unite, providing such action will not harm others. This idea of the ‘harm principle’ is prominent in On Liberty for each of these freedoms are subject to the overarching rule that liberty is complete so long as it does not â€Å"without justifiable cause, do harm to others†(Mill 1859: 72). He also notes that it is obvious that freedom of thought and of the mind does not directly correlate to freedom of action, for â€Å"No one pretends that actions should be as free as opinions†(Mill 1859: 72). He bases this on the logic that if ones free actions impinge upon another’s happiness, then the affected party’s own freedom is violated, outweighing the benefits of the first individual’s liberty. His conclusion is therefore â€Å"that in things which do not primarily concern others, individuality should assert itself†(1859: 73). This reasoning is fundamentally based in utilitarianism, which Mill is a eminent proponent of, as the key deciding factor needs to be maximum pleasure for minimum harm. The harm principle is the primary restraining factor on an individual’s calculus of liberty however Mill is not so blindingly liberal that he does not acknowledge the importance of government in maintaining social stability. In fact, Mill’s definition of liberty itself is intimately linked with authoritative intervention for he â€Å"takes liberty to be the absence of human interference with the individuals actions†(Crocker, 1980: 1). Again, utility becomes the object of question in deciding how pervasive governing bodies ought be. Mill contends, â€Å"the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection†¦ His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant†. It is here where Mill refers to the idea of ‘tyranny of the majority’, that pressure from the masses can be as pervasive as an oppressive state for there is more intangible a difficulty in arguing â€Å"against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling.†(Mill, 1859: 7) Yet here it is apparent that Mill defends the use of public pressure to control offensive opinion. Where then is the line drawn regarding what is unique, individual and valuable thought, and what is deemed inappropriate? While Mill’s consistent self-criticism often enriches his argument, there are contradictory moments wherein his â€Å"expressions are not only ambiguous, but contradictory†(Parker, 1865: 5). The idea of utility is once again at play, however Mill’s contradictions destabilise his main point being that the use of outside force can be used defensively against another’s individuality if it would cause another’s liberty harm. As well as discussing and arguing Mill offers a number of disclaimers in his argument including the inapplicability of children or those who require the care of others and also â€Å"backward states of society in which the race itself may be considered as in its nonage†(Mill, 1859: 14). He also notes that a person â€Å"A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction†such as failing to help save a person when they are directly able to but choose against it. This idea has been argued against extensively in modern debate, particularly on a legal level. Many states, Australia amongst them, require no duty or obligation to act in such a way, the â€Å"rationale [being] the protection of the autonomy†(Edelman, 2011: 2). Liberty is irrevocably violated if one has no choice in a matter, even if that matter may be for social good. In an attempt to promote utilitarianism and provide an argument that supports social wellbeing, Mill has contradicted his own seemingly inviolate idea of individual sovereignty. Another hole in his discourse is that â€Å"There seems then no obstacle in principle within utilitarian morality to a policy which indeed prevents harm but at the expense of the most basic interests of a minority†(Gray, 2003: 7). Once more the tyranny of the majority is at question and Mill’s regard for individuality is destabilized by the conflicting interest of utilitarianism. It is apparent that Mill’s account is not watertight and this is acknowledged with the criticism On Liberty has received. In essence Mill concerns himself with the â€Å"struggle between authority and liberty,†(Mill, 1859: 3) as the essential factors to be balanced in order to maintain stable society. On an individual level, liberty is restrained by the harm principle and on a social plane; governance and public pressure control it. Beyond these factors, individuality is considered a sacred thing, which should be embraced for the good of progress. His entire theory is grounded solidly in utilitarian ideals, whereby social progression and greatest satisfaction is the primary goal. While a number of contentious arise throughout Mills’ discussions, overall the arguments are logical and coherent. On Liberty wi ll continue to be an iconic if not contentious piece in political literature, as will most social theory which has been and will come in the future. Reference List Edelman, James. 2011. ‘Change of position: A defence of unjust disenrichment’ (presented at the launch of the Restatement (Third) Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, Boston University Law School 16-17 September 2011) Gray, John and Smith, G.W., eds. 2002. ‘JS Mill’s On Liberty In Focus’. London: Routeledge Gray, John. 1983. ‘Mill: On Liberty. A Defence’ Gray, John. 1979. ‘John Stuart Mill: Traditional and Revisionist Interpretations’. Literature of Liberty 2(2): 7-37 Hayek, F.A. 2011. ‘The Constitution of Liberty’. New York: The University of Chicago Press. Larvor, Brendan. 2006. â€Å"Mill on Liberty of Thought and Discussion†in John Stuart Mill: On Liberty Discussions (British Humanist Association). Mill, John Stuart. (1859). On Liberty. London: Cambridge University Press.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Pest Analysis
PEST analysis: Political: Australia is a type of democratic country and it is stable politically. The characteristics of Australian government such as transparency and having low level of corruption, and being internationally competitiveness helps Australia to have the lowest rank of political instability in Asia-Pacific and it standing on bottom fourth position in the world in political instability (Australian government 2009). Therefore this factor is an advantage and an opportunity for the companies that operate within Australia and for the people who invest in these kinds of companies. Economic:Australia has one of the most stable economies in the world. According to Economist magazine Australia’s GDP in 2012 was about 1. 5 trillion USD and it becomes the 12th country in the world. During the last global financial crisis in 2007 most of the countries such as US, and European countries were suffering and their economic factors such as GDP, Interest rate, growth, inflation w ent downwards and were in recession, but Australian government could control the situation by implementing strategies that helped small businesses and individuals and kept the economy stable (Economist magazine 2013).So the Australian government made an opportunity out of the financial crisis which was a threat for the whole economy and now is one of the best countries for investment with a very low risk. Social: According to Australian Bureau of Statistics census in 2011 there was 3. 5 million student in this country both international and domestics (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013). So these students are the customer base for Mynetfone at the moment as residential customers and they can be the potential business users in near future.As Australia has a good rate of economy growth, more businesses wanted to operate in this country and as a result they will need more services for their business such as internet, phone etc. Technological: Mynetfone owned Symbio network in 2009 wh ich has the largest VoIP network providing wholesale carrier service to Australian industry in Australia that using number porting, cloud based hosted PBX service, call termination, call origination and many other infrastructure enable services. The Symbio work in wholesale and Mynetfone work on retail sections (Mynetfone 2013).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Karl Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Karl Marx - Essay Example In the capitalist economy, Marx maintained that the worker was isolated from their labor, the product of their labor, and the conditions of their labor; that this isolation made it impossible for the worker to utilize their natural productive capacity. Marx particularly questions features of the capitalist economy such as the class system and currency. He maintains that history is the product of an ongoing struggle between masters and slaves; carried on between the bourgeois and the workers during the lifetime of Marx. Similarly, Marx identifies money as a force destructive to the worker's innate capacity. Both money and class hinder the ability of the worker to realize their full potential. According to Marx, the class struggle was destructive to production because one class always exploited the other and opposed their interests. In many respects, Marx considered that the struggle between classes created the alienation of the worker from his work. By being subjected to the rule of a master class, the worker is alienated from his work because he does not benefit directly from it. The worker is isolated from the product of his labor by the sense that his work is for someone else's benefit. Marx considered money to have a similar effect, if a more dramatic.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Critical Review and Future Action Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Critical Review and Future Action Plan - Essay Example Altogether it has 37 retail outlets in UK and online cross channel offering. The company has an annual turnover of $5.2 billion. Critics have given the credit of John Lewis persistent success to its distinctive business model and integrated multimedia retailing which has also enabled the organization to recognize its employees as the company partners. Currently John Lewis is successfully catering to the needs of its customers through its various retail outlets, inexorable pledge and focus on excellence. Ultimately the company has acquired a distinctive position in retail marketing through innovative ideas of reaching to their customers which ultimately leads to increased sales and augmented brand equity (Cisco, 2012). John Lewis welcomes all its customers and makes sure that everyone has an easy access to their products and services and all the customers are catered with equivalent level of services. Their multichannel retailing strategy includes shops, call centers, online shopping, mobile app and home delivery which indicate that their customers have an easy access to their goods and services.In addition to this John Lewis is offering multimedia and multi-platform purchasing experience which is quite evident from the fact that internet facility for customers is available in two-third of all its retail stores (John Lewis, 2013). Challenges of Multimedia Retailing At present the multimedia retailing is facing significant challenges in the corporate world related to brand management on micro and macro level. If we analyze it from a micro perspective then marketers are required to manage all the individual channels and the communication options to enhance their brand equity effect in addition to increasing sales.While on the other hand they also have to maintain indirect brand equity effects which are particularly connected with a specific channel or a communication option. At the macro level marketers are required to formulate and execute communication options a nd multimedia channels in a way that they enables synergy between sales and brand equity (Kevin Lane Keller, 2010). The brand as a whole comprises of four components with respect to multimedia retailing: Direct and interactive channels including mail, telephone, mobile, online shopping and company stores. Indirect channels including discount stores, departmental stores, superstores, catalogue showrooms, specialty stores, super markets and convenience stores. Personal communications include personal selling, word of mouth, direct marketing and interactive marketing. Mass communication includes advertising, sales promotions, public relations, events and experiences. At John Lewis marketers are required to develop clear understanding of all the retail channels and their integration in association with consumer behavior. In addition to this their job is to identify the related multimedia retailing components and to subsequently apply them so as to increase sales and brand equity (Kevin Lane Keller, 2010). It is a fact that in the past few years the concept of multimedia retailing has occupied strength and it is growing with an enormous speed while bringing scope, diversification and sophistication to the overall retail environment. However, research indicates that the consumer behavior regarding multimedia retailing is rather inadequate. The initial challenges faced by a marketer operating in such a retail environment are to
Structure, properties and treatment of steels Assignment
Structure, properties and treatment of steels - Assignment Example The first three methods change the chemical composition, carburizing by the addition of carbon, nitriding by the addition of nitrogen, and cyaniding by the addition of both carbon and nitrogen. The flame hardening and induction hardening processes do not change the chemical composition of the steel and are essentially shallow-hardening methods. In flame and induction hardening the steel must be capable of being hardened, therefore the carbon content must be about 0.30 percent or higher. So in case of 0.6 % plain carbon steel we have got only two surface hardening processes left and these are flame hardening and induction hardening process. These two are essentially the shallow hardening methods. Selected areas of the surface of a steel are heated into the austenite range and then quenched form martensite. Therefore, it is necessary to start with a steel which is capable of being hardened. Generally, this is in the range of 0.3 to 0.6 percent carbon. So depending upon the other required properties of the steering shaft the most appropriate method of surface hardening is induction
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The issue of globalization on a human resource management perspective Term Paper
The issue of globalization on a human resource management perspective - Term Paper Example From this research it is clear that there has been a growing relationship amongst the cultures, economies, and people in the world. Coupled with advancement in technology, interaction has been steadily increasing in the current world. Thus, the people, cultures, and economies are increasingly becoming interdependent of each for their continued survival. This is globalization with the world effectively becoming a big global village. According to Sparrow, Brewster, and Harris however, globalization is â€Å"a process whereby markets and production in different countries become increasingly interdependent due to the dynamics of trade in goods and services and flows of capital and technology.†In this case, the customers’ need for similar commodities and services drive the globalization of markets. With globalization of markets, a challenge in striking a balance between universal tendency in human resource management and the influence of different national cultures arises. Therefore, this expose elucidates the issue of globalization on a human resource management perspective. Edwards and Rees noted that, globalization necessitates attention to â€Å"more than conducting business across national borders but also entails expanding competition for almost every type of organization presenting management with the challenge to operate in diverse cultural settings.†In this regard, the global economy requires a company to exploit its human resources effectively through effective planning in order to gain a competitive edge over its competitors. Therefore, human resource managemen
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
How to Reduce Environmental Pollution Using Alternative Energy Sources Essay
How to Reduce Environmental Pollution Using Alternative Energy Sources - Essay Example Nature not only exists for humans alone but also for all species and as such, argues Miller et al. (2008 p, 17) there is need to encourage environmentally friendly forms of economic growth and development and discourage earth degrading forms (such as toxic emission from fossil fuels). It is here that the renewable sources of energy come in to help avert the dangers posed to the environment by the fossil fuels. To what level, it should be asked, do alternative energy sources help arrest the situation? And how ‘clean’ are the alternative sources? The benefits of alternative sources are well known, authoritatively asserts Renewable Energy Resources (2007, p, 207). They produce little or no pollution emissions and reduce dependency on the finite resources. The National Atlas of the US website (2012) also confirms this, but is quick to point out that even though the renewable sources are non-polluting, the structures built to harness them are two edged: they impact both posit ively and negatively on the environment. The intensity of the environmental impact or emissions caused by power generation depends on a number of factors such as the electricity generation technology used, how much electricity is generated, air pollution control devices used, the geographical location among other factors( US Environmental Protection Agency ,2012). A closer look at each of the renewable sources in many ways tries to answer the questions asked above. Solar Power Solar power is arguably the best thing going, at least from the environmental perspective. With it there are no acid rains, no urban smog or pollution of any kind (Alternative Energy, 2013). Clean and sustainably energy, that’s how the US Environmental Protection Agency (2012) describes solar power. Solar... As such, environmental impacts differ depending on the conversion and cooling technology applied Hydropower refers to the use of water to produce electricity. The hydroelectric power plants use dams to store water which is released from behind the dam flowing through a turbine. The water then spins the turbine, turning a generator to produce electricity. It is one of the least expensive sources of electricity. Not only does the dams provide power but also other substantial benefits such as recreation opportunities on upstream reservoirs, habitat for aquatic and terrestrial organisms, diversion of water for irrigation and control of destructive flooding. The environmental impacts of dams vary widely, but current regulations and policies have attempted to address the issues. For example, fish migration has been having been addressed with the use of fish ladders and other structures.In conclusion, renewable sources of energy provide a better alternative to the conventional energy source s, at least with the aim of curbing global warming and pollutant emissions. A shift from the fossil fuels to the renewable sources, therefore, promises a healthier environment. However, there seem to be other factors such as economic growth, population, and consumption of the energy and other resources that are proving to be hindrances in this mission of relieving the overburdened Mother Nature. Unless there is a reduction in energy use and other resources, renewable energy alone cannot achieve this mission of combating global warming.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Android Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Android Security - Research Paper Example The authors continue by stating that in fact, ICC mediation defines the core security structure and is the article’s focus, but it improves on the assurances provided by the underlying Linux system (Enck, Ongtang and McDaniel 53). The rest of the subtopic goes deep into the security enforcement element of the Android operating system, covering the mandatory access control (MAC) among other features. The next subtopic is security refinements, with a short introduction. Under this comes a discussion of public vs. private components, implicitly open components, broadcast intent permissions, content provider permissions, service hooks, protected APIs, permission protection levels, pending intents, and URI permissions (Enck, Ongtang and McDaniel 54). The final subtopic in the article is lessons in defining policy, which covers the results (experiences) the author have had after working with the Android security policy. They state that the results showed that Android security policy starts with a relatively simple easy-to-understand MAC enforcement model, but the number and subtlety of refinements make it hard for someone to discover an application’s policy by simply looking at it (Enck, Ongtang and McDaniel 56). Some refinements push policy into the application code while others add delegation, which combines discretionary controls into the otherwise typical MAC model (Enck, Ongtang and McDaniel 56). This scenario makes mustering a firm grasp on Android's security model non-trivial.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
AlfredHitchcock, Essay Example for Free
AlfredHitchcock, Essay Final Paper Mamet and Hitchcock’s Suspenseful Similarities While comparing the film’s Strangers on a Train, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and The Spanish Prisoner directed by David Mamet, two suspenseful mysteries unfold. In this essay I will compare both directors use of themes, tones, and camera effects to convey the thrilling story of a confused and tortured protagonist. While they are different plotlines, both stories overlap in many ways. Perhaps Mamet may have even made an homage to Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train by mirroring various scenes and themes in The Spanish Prisoner. Strangers on a Train is the story of two strangers that meet on a train, but it is hardly that simple. One a tennis star, Guy Haines, and the other, a wealthy psychopath Bruno Anthony. Bruno proposes a scheme to Guy to kill someone the other person wants to dispose of, a â€Å"criss-cross†. Unknowingly, Guy agrees to kill Bruno’s enemy and vice versa. Bruno kills Guy’s wife that he had been trying to divorce, and expects Guy to kill his father. They get mixed up in a cat a dog chase of murder and confusion, which ended with Bruno’s death and Guy marrying the women he loved, Anne Morton. The Spanish Prisoner is titled from a con game that traps a mark into turning over thousands of dollars to scam artists. David Mamet character Joe Ross is a math genius that devised a process that will earn his company billions of dollars. The process is the maguffin (a typical trait of Hitchcock); we never find out what the process is, only that rival Japanese corporations will do anything to steal it. Joe Ross ends up happily ever after similarly to Guy Haines. Both stories reflect one another in multiple ways. One is that Bruno the sympathetic villain in Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train that we love and hate is very similar to that of Julian ‘Jimmy’ Dell who elaborately tried to steal the process. We grow relationships with Jimmy Dell and with Bruno Anthony; they are both the catalyst of all bad that comes to the protagonist, yet each director makes them appealing and loveable. Both plotlines are obviously different, but Joe Ross is a similar reflection of Hitchcock’s creation of Guy Haines as well. Both men are mixed up in what they thought were brief encounters with ice or eccentric strangers. Yet both men get fooled along the way and get entangled in a web of lies, murder, and deceit. Mamet mirrors Hitchcock storyline in various ways throughout the films with character similarities again and again. On the plane ride back to the States, Susan asks Joe the films signature question: â€Å"Who in the world is what they seem? †In this scene, instead of a tr ain they are on an airplane, and instead of Bruno asking Guy a question, it is Susan to Joe. Inevitably they are the same. Susan endows doubt and a motive to do something out of character, much like Bruno’s question to Anthony, â€Å"My theory is that everybody is a potential murderer. Didnt you ever want to kill somebody? Say one of those useless fellows Miriam was running around with? †Each character is stricken with a striking comment that unravels the rest of their fate. In the same scene in the airplane Joe responds to Susan by retreating to the planes bathroom to unwrap Dells gift, which turns out to be a first edition of Budge on Tennis. The tennis theme is another similarity echoed in Strangers on a Train. Guy Haines is a pro tennis player and many of the scenes have imagery of tennis. Metaphorically it could represent the mental state of characters or plot, the back and forth of sense and logic. Later when Joe is trying to meet up with lawyers to discuss the process in Central Park, he goes onto a carousel. Mamet does no mistake by copying Hitchcock’s carousel tool as a dizzying climactic point. The spinning of the carousel signifies the mental state of both protagonists at the time. Each is on the verge of a breakdown, not knowing who to trust or what to do next. Camera angles enhance the scene in Hitchcock’s version because he uses high angle shots and differential focus on the faces of the patrons riding the carousel while the background spins quickly it creates a highly suspenseful and memorable scene. Hitchcock also used that little carnie man who crawled under the moving carousel, I was in awe of the camera angles throughout this scene, it made me hold my breath. The scene from The Spanish Prisoner where Joe was in the carousel was not as thrilling, the tone was different, he just walked around it slowly. The tones of the two scenes are like night and day. Hitchcock’s is loud and scary, while Mamet’s is eerily quiet and somber. Thematically they both explain the mental state of the protagonist, but Hitchcock’s tone is intense, fast paced, and surreal at times, while Mamet’s tone is cerebral and realistic. Not only are the characters, the themes, and elements comparatively similar, but also many of Hitchcock’s trademarks are found in both movies. One is the falsely accused man. This is present in Guy Haines, as well as in Joe Ross. Each protagonist is being chased for a crime they didn’t commit. It is a classic trait of suspense thrillers and is defiantly a major part of each film. The second trait is the guilty woman. This is present in Susan in Spanish Prisoner, and in Miriam in Strangers on a Train. Both directors convey police as idiotic throughout the movie as well, which is another Hitchcock trait. The final element is the pathological deviant. This is present in Bruno Anthony and in Julian ‘Jimmy’ Dell. This is the figure that spun the web of lies and created a â€Å"trustworthy†bond while in reality being completely crazed for a purpose that is unattainable. While both movies are similar in their theme, tone, characters, and director traits, they also vary in ways that make them unique. Both the stories are well conveyed due to the director’s clear point of view. One was referencing the other, both were gripping and suspenseful tales of an innocent man trying to fix a problem that they cant seem to solve. Mamet’s mirroring of Hitchcock was done well, but Hitchcock’s surrealistic shots and character like the carnie make it more interesting and compelling of a movie to me.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Theories for Employee Motivation
Theories for Employee Motivation At the dawn of this millennium, Milner (2003) concluded that motivation continues to hold a significant position in eyes of scholars. It is a known fact that various organizations have resorted to different strategies to boost staff motivation, create a comfortable work environment and consequently, increase output. Motivation can be analyzed from various perspectives but for the purpose of this essay, it would be examined from a work related point of view. Work motivation is a set of energetic forces that originate both within as well as beyond an individuals being, to initiate work-related behaviour and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration (Pinder, 2005). We can therefore rightfully infer that motivation is a psychological process developing from contact between an individual and his environment. To understand motivation, one must understand the aspirations of a living being. Several motivation theories have been proposed to explain these human aspirations at different times and by diverse people. Motivation theories are broadly divided into two but for this essay, two theories, one from each broad group has selected for analysis. They are; Maslows hierarchy of needs theory (content theory) and Expectancy theory (process theory) They will be reviewed, evaluated and compared, highlighting individual strengths and limitations. They also would be used to determine the extent to which they influence individual motivation of people in the work place. Furthermore information collated from completed questionnaires by employees on what motivates them will be summarized and compared with the theory propositions to ascertain practical relevance. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW An appropriate starting note would be answering the question, what is motivation? A suitable definition would be the cognitive decision-making process, through which goal-directed behaviour is initiated, energized, directed and maintained (Buchanan Huczynski 2010, p. 267). The need to study motivation, its stimulators and extinguishers remain very vital. Its importance to managers cannot be over emphasized. Understanding the concept of motivation would equip managers with the right skills to encourage subordinates, accomplish organizational goals, increase output and also improve their quality of life. Motivation is a combination of choice and intention. It has come to a conclusion that individuals dissent to their motivational state and the elements that influence it. 2.1 MOTIVATION THEORIES Motivation theories are generally categorized under two broad groups content theory and process theory. Although there is no universally accepted theory that applies to everyone, each can help in different work scenarios. An attempt has been made to explain the variability noticed in the decisions people make about what they do at work, their commitment and the strength they utilize in achieving goals using motivational theories. Content theories of motivation question the perspective that views motivation in terms of individuals goals. Examples of content theories include Herzbergs Two-factor theory and Maslows hierarchy of needs theory. While process theories view motivation in terms of the decision making process influencing an individuals choice of goals. Examples are Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory and Goal Setting Theory. Different content and process theories have been formulated having specific application to motivation with reference to work context. 2.1.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Content theory) According to R. Dailey (2008), Maslow proposed that people are motivated by the longing to gratify particular needs. He went on to arrange this needs in a given order starting with the most basic needs which he called lower level needs and rising to the higher level needs. He maintained that the lower level needs must be majorly satisfied before higher level needs and that a satisfied need seizes to be a motivator. Below are briefly described the different needs starting with the lower level needs. Physiological Needs these refer to basic needs required for survival and they include food, water, shelter, air. Some researchers have added money to this group arguing that it has the capacity to provide some of the needs. Security Needs these reefers to the general concern of an individual to feel safe, stable and the absence of pain in his environment both physically and psychologically. Social Belongingness Needs these refer to the desire for affiliation, friendship, love and being accepted by others as a result of interaction and association. Theoretically, people who reach this level have primarily satisfied physiological and safety needs and are now concerned with establishing satisfying relationships. (Hitt, Miller, and Colella, 2009). Esteem Needs these refer to perceptions of personal value as a result of admiration from fellow individuals. When employees have attained a certain level in the organizational hierarchy, they yearn for recognition, fame and power owing to previous achievements. Self-actualization Needs the need for self-actualization sits at the top of Maslows hierarchy and few people are deemed to have attained this level. They are generally driven by the desire to utilize their skill and maximize their potential. They always seek new ground breaking opportunities to bring into play their skills which greatly motivate them. Some other factors were originally included in Maslows needs but have been omitted by subsequent researchers. They are To know and to understand Aesthetics Transcendence Freedom of enquiry and expression They come in this order respectively between esteem needs and self-actualization needs. According to Maslow, the most potent way of motivating individuals is by provision of their primary needs which is the lowest unsatisfied need (Gordon, 1996). 2.2 Expectancy Theory (Process theory) People are motivated to work or involve in a process only when they are assured of or perceive personal benefit. The process through which outcomes become desirable is explained by the expectancy theory (Buchanan Huczynski, 2010). This theory thus goes along to prove that we act in manners that facilitate the accomplishment of appreciated goals. It helps in explaining employee behaviours relating to issues such as career choice, performance, joining a new organization, absenteeism, turnover and leadership effectiveness (Dailey, 2008). Expectancy theory was stated as a function of three concepts: valence, instrumentality and expectancy. Mathematically, it can be expressed as Motivation = V x I x E ( Valence x Instrumentality x Expectancy) If any of the values has zero value, then consequently, motivation is zero. Valence can be said to be personal value placed on a reward or the perceived value of an outcome. Since it is subjective, that means valence comes across to various people in different ways. Employees ascribe valences to specific outcomes and they can be either negative or positive. A negative valence can be linked to undesirable outcomes and consequently makes employee exhibit avoidance behaviours. Instrumentality is the personal belief that good performance would produce valued rewards. It can also be positive or negative. While positive instrumentality refers to the employee belief that good performance would lead to desired rewards, negative instrumentality means the opposite. Expectancy is the personal belief that effort would lead to good performance. When employees decide to dedicate time and energy to a job, they expect positive outcomes. Contrastingly, there would be no perceived effort if the employee believes that it would not bring about positive performance. It is also noteworthy that performance feedback would boost effort. Diagrammatically, expectancy theory can be summarized by the figure below. Motivational Force = Effort Performance Outcome 1 V1 Outcome 2 V2 Outcome 3 V3 E = Expectancy I = Instrumentality V = Valence 1 = Not valued at all 2 = Not strongly valued 3 = Strongly valued Fig 1.0: Expectancy Theory Model 2.3 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES The strengths and weaknesses of Maslows hierarchy of needs theory and the Expectancy theory have been summarized in the tables below. STRENGTHS MASLOWS THEORY EXPECTANCY THEORY Shows the essence of consulting with employees and giving them a sense of belonging within the company. Strong empirical support. Shows a simple, reasonable description of human behaviour. Reflects importance of consistent rewards. It still remains very influential Recognizes individual differences. Encourages employee career development. Provides explicit ways to increase employee motivation. WEAKNESSES MASLOWS THEORY EXPECTANCY THEORY Lacks empirical validity. Using the components individually cannot strongly predict motivation. Focused only on positive growth without reflecting the possibility of a relapse in individuals. Assumes behaviour is rational. Does not hold universally Predictive power low for uncertain environments. Does not take individual differences into consideration. Questionable view of humans. 3.0 DATA ANALYSIS Those selected for the survey cut across multicultural backgrounds, different kinds of jobs ranging from white collar jobs to ordinary jobs and different organizational levels managers and subordinates. The questions were carefully selected to prove or disprove the validity of the theories. (See attached questionnaire in Appendix 1). Beginning with Maslows theory, the effect of physiological needs was undoubtedly reflected in the survey. 80% strongly agreed that the absence of physiological needs would adversely affect their motivation. Another issue is the contention over social needs. While 40% strongly accept the need to be socially accepted, a close 30% argue that the need to be accepted would not have any adverse on their output not because they lack emotions but owing to the nature of their work e.g. scientific research. Some others strongly underplayed the effect of social needs claiming that they boosted their self confidence by themselves and did not need to be accepted to be motivated which contradicts Maslows theory. The result also shows a very strong point that cut across the entire respondents which is the effect of pay. The survey results are summarized in the figure below. Fig 3.0 MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS THEORY ANALYSIS For the expectancy theory, the components instrumentality, valence and expectancy were generally accepted though the percentage for those that strongly agreed was not overwhelming. 30% strongly agreed to the influence of instrumentality, 30% for valence and 40% for expectancy. Worthy of note is the feedback factor whose importance is overwhelmingly obvious from the figure below (80%). But most interestingly is the fact that even though 80% strongly subscribed to motivation from a good pay check, a stunning 60% agreed that they would accept a more interesting job for a pay cut (question 1). A general summary of the survey relating to the expectancy theory is shown in the figure below. Fig 3.1 EXPECTANCY THEORY RESULT ANALYSIS 3.1 EVALUATION OF THEORIES The answers to the questionnaire would seem to indicate that workers were not remarkably convinced that good performance would lead to valuable rewards which raise a strong concern about the motivation of workers in todays organizations. The argument is that if the employees do not see a clear pathway from excellent performance to valued rewards, motivation would be on the decline with the effects clearly obvious. Moreover, 60% of the respondents opted for a more interesting work with less pay. This shows a path to self-actualization and that more value placed on it. When the job is more interesting, that provides the employee with an atmosphere to exploit his potentials hoping for a valued reward. This further explains the concept of instrumentality because respondents placed more value on job satisfaction. The last two questions were intended to get firsthand the kind of rewards that truly appeal to individuals and to give them an opportunity to say what really motivates them. 70% of the respondents had financial rewards as their first choice and it was followed by recognition with a close score of 60%. This reflects Maslows social and belongings need and also his esteem needs on one hand and the valence component of the expectancy theory. This shows a relationship in both theories when compared. Also very prominent was the feedback factor equally portrayed by the two theories. Equally significant was the choice of promotion and self-actualization as valuable rewards. Promotion as an example of instrumentality can also boost esteem needs. The survey results highlighted show very close similarities between Maslows hierarchy of needs and the Expectancy theory. Even though they were proposed by various people and ages ago, they have stood the test of time and are still very valuable today. The results also prove that motivation is dependent on the individual and the environment. 3.2 PRACTICAL RELEVANCE Most work places meet the first two basic needs going by Maslows hierarchy needs theory. Employers meet physiological needs by paying wages and salaries which can provide food and shelter. In most countries, they are also obligated by law to meet the next level of needs by providing safe and secure work places. To meet the next level of needs, managers need to encourage team work. The work environment is a social place and at that team spirit should be developed. Managers should go a long way to foster socialization and a sense of belonging through effective internal communication, social gatherings, etc. If this is done, a better working environment would be created, social needs provided and motivation heading north. An appropriate reward system is very essential and would go a long way to meet esteem needs. Clear links should be made between efforts and goals and an appraisal system which recognizes achievement using valued rewards like pay rises, executive official cars and promotions should be put in place. These things also attach a status symbol to their office which promotes esteem. Evidently, the esteem of people in diverse jobs is boosted in different ways. If managers possess the ability to assess and channel instrumentality rightly, motivation would be surely achieved. All management policies that crack, resist, alter or bend instrumentalities should be looked into to avoid lowering employee effort and performance. Self-actualization, sitting on the top of Maslows hierarchy can be likened to valued reward instrumentality in the expectancy theory and this would not immediately come to everybody as achievable through work but it actually is. Managers should ensure quality training and support so as to achieve clear performance goals and provide an avenue to inspire innovation. When employees are faced with challenging goals and can see a clear path to positive instrumentality through expectancy then this objective is feasible and personal growth achieved. On the contrary, self-actualization has been found to play a marginal role in some cultures. Japanese cultures offer jobs for life which seem to meet only physiological needs and promotions based on seniority which diminishes the longing for self-actualization in the work place. Also in some highly collectivist cultures, attempts to be personally innovative may be deemed as aberrant (Hofstede, 1991). 4.0 CONCLUSION The present study attempts to crystallize certain factors which influence motivation by analyzing the relationship between employees, employers and the work environment. Both Maslows theory and Expectancy theory can explain motivation only to a certain magnitude from various view points. Maslows theory proposes that individuals are motivated based on drives and needs while expectancy theory postulates that choices are made based on how we make choices with respect to goals. The response from the questionnaires corroborated aspects of both theories but highlighted the great importance of pay and feedback in influencing motivation. It is recommended that managers and employers pay great attention to these factors amongst the rest. As hinted previously, no theory can conclusively explain the concept of motivation. The relevance of these theories cannot be over emphasized or neglected. They have had a substantial impact on managers directly and employers as a whole in helping to find out how and what to do to boost employee motivation. In addition, they have generated further interests in the area of specialization. The most significant limitation to this survey was the restriction to the number of people surveyed and the difficulty in convincing unskilled workers to partake in the survey.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Draw Model For Network Security Computer Science Essay
Draw Model For Network Security Computer Science Essay SENDER: Sender transfer message to other party through some sort of internet. RECEIVER: Receiver receives message send by sender through some sort of internet. Trusted third party: trusted third party is needed o secure the message transmits from one party to another. Third party distributes secret information to both the parties. Third party actually provides authenticity of message transmission. Opponent: An opponent can be a human or a virus that can harm the transmitted message going through some sort of internet. Secure message: It is a message to which a secret key is applied which is not in readable by opponent. Secret information: Secret information is a key applied to message. Ques2:Why is polyalphabetic substitution superior to monoalphatic substitution. Ans: Polyalphabetic ciphers use multiple substitution alphabetic. A monoalphabetic substitution replaces each letter with another letter according to cipher alphabet. Polyalphabetic substitution is superior than monoalphabetic because polyalphabetic substitutions are apparently more secure than monoalphabetic substitution, because frequency distribution reflects the distribution of the underlying alphabet . Ques3:Why are conventional encryption /decryption method not suitable for bank. Ans: Conventional encryption/decryption method is not suitable for bank because it is less secure. If conventional encryption/decryption is using, then the limitation is that the keys must be shared between participants before decryption can occur. If an asymmetric cipher is used instead, only public keys need to be shared private keys do not need to be share. Symmetric encryption is the oldest and best-known technique. A secret key, which can be a number, a word, or just a string of random letters, is applied to the text of a message to change the content in a particular way. This might be as simple as shifting each letter by a number of places in the alphabet. As long as both sender and recipient know the secret key, they can encrypt and decrypt all messages that use this key. Asymmetric Encryption: The problem with secret keys is exchanging them over the Internet or a large network while preventing them from falling into the wrong hands. Anyone who knows the secret key can decrypt the message. One answer is asymmetric encryption, in which there are two related keysa key pair. A public key is made freely available to anyone who might want to send you a message. A second, private key is kept secret, so that only you know it.Any message that are encrypted by using the public key can only be decrypted by applying the same algorithm, but by using the matching private key. Any message that is encrypted by using the private key can only be decrypted by using the matching public key. This means that you do not have to worry about passing public keys over the Internet . A problem with asymmetric encryption, however, is that it is slower than symmetric encryption. It requires far more processing power to both encrypt and decrypt the content of the message. Ques4:Define types of attack based on what is known to attacker. Ans: The following are the cryptographic attacks usually performed by an attacker: Known plaintext attack: In a known plaintext attack, an attacker should have both the plaintext and ciphertext of one or more messages. These two items are used to extract the cryptographic key and recover the encrypted text. Ciphertext only attack: In this attack, an attacker obtains encrypted messages that have been encrypted using the same encryption algorithm. For example, the original version of WEP used RC4, and if sniffed long enough, the repetitions would allow a hacker to extract the WEP key. Such types of attacks do not require the attacker to have the plaintext because the statistical analysis of the sniffed log is enough. Man-in-the-middle attack: In this form of attack, an attacker places himself in the middle of the communications flow between two parties. Once an attacker enters the communications flow, he is able to perform a ciphertext only attack, exchange bogus keys, etc. Replay attack: In this type of attack, an attacker tries to repeat or delay a cryptographic transmission. A replay attack can be prevented using session tokens. Chosen plaintext attack: In a chosen plaintext attack, an attacker somehow picks up the information to be encrypted and takes a copy of it with the encrypted data. This is used to find patterns in the cryptographic output that might uncover a vulnerability or reveal a cryptographic key. Chosen ciphertext attack: In this type of attack, an attacker can choose the ciphertext to be decrypted and can then analyze the plaintext output of the event. The early versions of RSA used in SSL were actually vulnerable to this attack. 1:Cipher text only attack Given cipher encrypted with same key C1=Ek (p1) ,C2=Ek(p2) Attackers find key. 2:Known plain text attack Plain text is corresponding to the cipher text. Eg: P1,C1=Ek(P1) P2,C2=Ek(P2) 3:Chosen plain text attack Plain text can be chosen that gets encrypted. 4:Adaptive chosen plain text attack Can modify the plain text choice depending on results of previous encryption. 5 :Chosen cipher text attack Can choose different cipher texts to be decrypted. Ques6:Encrypt the following plaintext by playfair substitution wearediscoveredsaveyourself Ans:Playfair is a multi-letter encryption which treats diagrams in the plaintext as a single units and translates these units into ciphertext diagrams. The Playfair algo is based on use of 5*5 matrix of letters constructed using a key. Choosen key is WONDERS W O N D E R S. A B C F G H I/J K L M P Q T U V X Y Z The matrix is constructed by filling in the letters of the keyword WONDERS from left to right and top to bottom and then filling in the remainder of the matrix with the remaining letters in alphabetic order. The letters I and J count as one letter. Rules will be : 1:Repeating plaintext letters that are in same pair are separated with a filler letter . 2: Two plaintext letters that fall in the same of matrix are each replaced by the letter to the right circularly . 3:Two plaintext letters that fall in the same column are each replaced by the letter beneath to it. 4:Otherwise ,each plaintext letter in a pair is replaced by the letter that lies in its own row and the column occupied by the plaintext letter. Given string is WEAREDISCOVEREDSAVE YOURSELF Playfair substitution is OWBSWEHGABEBCGKNASXDZWFCOULgtttttttttfygjhvhghjqqQQCh
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Russian Revolution Essay -- Russian History
Russia had been an autocratic government for 300 years under the Romanov Dynasty before the revolution of 1917. When problems started in the early 1900’s most people were serfs that had been freed about 20 years before. In 1914 during World War One, Czar Nicholas II decided to stay in war with Germany despite what the rest of his country thought. Nicholas posed a distraction from the countries problems. His plan was to keep his soldiers minds off of the horrible living conditions of Russia by staying in war with Germany and starting a war with Japan in hope that he would lead his country to a victory; both wars were lost, giving Russian citizens more to be upset about. Russia’s Army was extremely weak, made mainly of peasants, and the cost of war was weighing down on the citizens of Russia. In reality, Nicholas II had no aptitude to be a ruler, and proved himself to be politically incapable of governing a country. Starvation and poor living conditions lined the streets of homeless families. Many people were unemployed, and those who were faced terrible conditions when they were working. Nation-wide discontent for the czar had set in, people begged for him to be dethroned. The country attempted to industrialize, but this just brought more trouble and left the country more distraught than ever, at this point they were behind the rest of the world in every aspect. The war with Germany was over, but Russia was left with a period of economic downfall to deal with. Four groups were later formed against the czar and his form of government, only one group of people, the white Russians, were still loyal to him. Liberals were people who wanted democratic checks on the czar, instead of total dictatorship. The Nationalists wanted greater in... .../srcx/ ¤tPosition=5&userGroupName=glen46605&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&sgHitCountType=None&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%. â€Å"The Russian Revolution.†Gale Resource Research Center. Ed. Marie Hacht and Dwayne D. Hayes. N.p., 2008. Web. 25 Dec. 2010. . Wines, Michael. â€Å"1917: Russia’s Year of Revolutions.†New York Times 12 Mar. 2007: n. pag. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 26 Dec. 2010.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Comparing Dehumanization in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Dehumanization in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Maus    Through out history we learn of the mistreatment of many different types of people. Several different groups of people have been prosecuted and singled out for many different types of reasons. In recent history, the African Americans and the Jews have been the focus of discrimination. Slavery and the Holocaust were made to make these groups of people feel inferior to those who were in control of them. During these two periods, the people involved were treated like worthless, insignificant human beings. They were brought down to the level of a mouse. In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and in Maus, the main characters, Vladek and Frederick, struggle daily to be considered by others as a human. Their struggles show just how humans can be treated like animals, denied the right to an education and haunted by what others have done to them. Frederick Douglass was born a slave. It is all that he knew. He is always treated inferior than his slave masters. He is beaten and au... Comparing Dehumanization in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Dehumanization in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Maus    Through out history we learn of the mistreatment of many different types of people. Several different groups of people have been prosecuted and singled out for many different types of reasons. In recent history, the African Americans and the Jews have been the focus of discrimination. Slavery and the Holocaust were made to make these groups of people feel inferior to those who were in control of them. During these two periods, the people involved were treated like worthless, insignificant human beings. They were brought down to the level of a mouse. In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and in Maus, the main characters, Vladek and Frederick, struggle daily to be considered by others as a human. Their struggles show just how humans can be treated like animals, denied the right to an education and haunted by what others have done to them. Frederick Douglass was born a slave. It is all that he knew. He is always treated inferior than his slave masters. He is beaten and au...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Golgi apparatus
IntroductionThe Golgi setup ( GA ) , besides called Golgi organic structure or Golgi complex and found universally in both works and animate being cells, is typically comprised of a series of five to eight cup-shaped, membrane-covered pouch called cisternae that look something like a stack of chapfallen balloons. In some unicellular mastigophorans, nevertheless, every bit many as 60 cisternae may unite to do up the Golgi setup. Similarly, the figure of Golgi organic structures in a cell varies harmonizing to its map. Animal cells by and large contain between 10s and 20 Golgi stacks per cell, which are linked into a individual composite by cannular connexions between cisternae. This complex is normally located near to the cell karyon. The Golgi setup processes proteins which are ever focused to the plasma are ever focused to the plasma membrane or endosome. It besides sorts assorted proteins within cysts and helps them to present throughout the cell via endoplasmic Reticulum. Eukaryotic cells are the topographic point where Golgi setup is found. They are besides found largely near heavy protein concentration. Plasma-B cells which secrete protein antibodies have outstanding Golgi setup. Proteins are transported by Golgi setup, but it is non wholly understood about the manner it does it. It is possible that the setup itself moves through cisternae patterned advance, or that proteins diffuse from one cisternae to the following. Golgi setup ‘s operation is the alteration of glycoproteins used in the building of the cell membrane. It takes simplified glycosylated proteins from the cysts and creates a diverseness of saccharide constructions on proteins for a assortment of utilizations. [ 1 ] Morphology The term morphology is by and large attributed to the German poet, novelist, dramatist, and philosopher Johahnn Wolfgang von Goethe ( 1749-1832 ) who coined it early in the 19th century in a biological context. Its etymology is Grecian: morph-means form, signifier, and morphology is the survey of signifier or signifiers. In biological science morphology refers to the survey of the signifier and construction of beings, and geology it refers to the survey of the constellation and development of land signifiers. In linguistics morphology refers to the mental system involved in word formation or to the subdivision. [ 3 ] The Golgi setup Golgi setup was one of the first organelles of all time observed because of it big organelle size and form. In 1897, an Italian doctor named Camillo Golgi investigated and developed Golgi setup. Many scientists did non believe that what Golgi observed was a existent organelle nowadays in the cell and alternatively argued that the evident organic structure was a ocular deformation caused by staining. The innovation of the negatron microscope in the 20th century eventually confirmed that the Golgi setup is a cellular cell organ. The Golgi setup is frequently considered the distribution and transportation section for the cell ‘s chemical merchandises. It modifies proteins and lipoids ( fats ) that have been built in the endoplasmic Reticulum and prepares them for export outside of the cell or for conveyance to other locations in the cell. The cysts fuse with the Golgi membranes and let go of their internally stored molecules into the cell organ. Once indoors, the compounds are farther processed by the Golgi setup, which adds molecules or chops bantam pieces off the terminals. When completed, the merchandise is extruded from the GA in a cyst and directed to its concluding finish inside or outside the cell. The alterations to molecules that take topographic point in the Golgi setup occur in an orderly manner. Each Golgi stack has two distinguishable terminals, or faces. The cis face of a Golgi stack is the terminal of the cell organ where substances enter from the endoplasmic Reticulum for processing, while the trans face is where they exit in the signifier of smaller degage cysts. Consequently, the Commonwealth of Independent States face is found near the endoplasmic Reticulum, from where most of the stuff it receives comes, and the trans face is positioned near the plasma membrane of the cell, to where many of the substances it modifies are shipped. The chemical makeup of each face is different and the enzymes contained in the lms ( interior unfastened infinites ) of the cisternae between the faces are typical. Proteins, saccharides, phospholipids, and other molecules formed in the endoplasmic Reticulum are transported to the Golgi setup to be biochemically modified during their passage from the Commonwealth of Independent States to the trans poles of the composite. Enzymes present in the Golgi lms modify the saccharide ( or sugar ) part of glycoproteins by adding or deducting single sugar monomers. In add-on, the Golgi setup manufactures a assortment of supermolecules on its ain, including a assortment of polyoses. The Golgi composite in works cells produces pectins and other polyoses specifically needed by for works construction and metamorphosis. The merchandises exported by the Golgi setup through the trans face finally fuse with the plasma membrane of the cell. Among the most of import responsibilities of the Golgi setup is to screen the broad assortment of supermolecules produced by the cell and aim them for distribution to their proper location. Specialized molecular designation labe ls or tickets, such as phosphate groups, are added by the Golgi enzymes to help in this screening attempt. [ 4 ] Shape of Golgi setup The Golgi setup looks like a stack of battercakes, and these tonss are called Cisternae. The cisteria is filled with cardinal liquid-filled country and made up of two – bed membrane. Normally 4 to 8 consist in a individual Golgi composite, but in some beings there can be every bit many as 60. The figure of Golgi composites in each animate being cell is typically between 10s and 20. The Golgi setup is non attached to any other cell organ, but floats freely in the cell. There are two terminals for each Golgi organic structure, one is cis face and the other is trans face. The cis face is closest to the atomic membrane and the endoplasmic Reticulum, while the trans face is oriented outward toward the plasma membrane of the cell. The Functions of the Golgi setup The primary maps of the Golgi composite are treating proteins synthesized in the endoplasmic Reticulum ( ER ) and directing molecules made in assorted countries of the cell to their future locations in or out of the cell. Some of the alterations made inside the Golgi complex include:Attaching polyoses to proteins to organize saccharidesTo cut protein into smaller active fragmentsIntegrating phosphates onto protein moleculesAddition of a sulfate group to moleculesIn add-on to modifying molecules made elsewhere in the cell, the Golgi setup besides makes a few of its ain merchandises. Some of the most of import molecules created in the Golgi composite are the Lysosomes, molecules that operate to digest dead or unneeded constituents in the cell, thereby maintaining the cell clean and free of dust, and complex sugars. 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Monday, September 16, 2019
Nursing Paper Essay
1. Read page 115 Discriminating between truth and nontruth . After you have read this give an example that you have experienced that fits both truth and nontruth. – An example of a truthful situation would be when I was lost on the way to visit an old friend of mine and I stopped at a business and asked directions, The cashier gave me helpful direction and even showed me on a map which way to go, this truth was from the best of her knowledge of the city I was traveling through. A nontruthful experience of mine was when I had to be at a doctor’s appointment at a certain time. I asked a friend of mine if she could take me and she agreed, well, I was left without a ride to the appointment and had to cancel when I found out that she had already made previously plans and never had the intention of helping me. – 2. Read page 117 White Lies. Have you ever told a white lie? Been told a white lie? Please share at least one example and whether you feel that the white lie was okay. -I believe everyone has told a white lie sometime in their life and also that everyone is a victim of a white lie. An example of mine would be that for my birthday this past year my sister got me a new shirt, Well, me and my sister do not have the same taste in clothing and when I opened the gift I just had to smile and tell her I loved it and would wear it somewhere that next weekend. To answer the following questions read the Discussion Exercises 7-1 3. Do you believe there are any issues with truth-telling or deception in this case? Explain. * I do believe there is a bit of deception in this patient’s case. The hospital not disclosing this personal information to her is wrong. I believe she has a right to know anything that is known about her condition as soon as it is known to the physicians. 4. What should you do or say if the patient comments, â€Å"I am a little worried . I just realized that i missed my period. Do you think it is just because of my being so sick?†What action should the nurse take to be a patient advocate? * I believe that in my position I should not disclose the news about the pregnancy. In this case I would tell the patient that I will have the doctor come and discuss with her about her questions as soon as possible. †¢Later, the patient†¦. -I believe the nurse should keep the separation of a working environment, not a personal one. A Nurse should never give a patient a ride unless it is a relative or someone they know in another way other than her job field, giving this patient a ride would cross a lot of professional work environment values and also the like between nurse and a caretaker which shouldn’t be crossed. †¢When saying goodbye†¦. -Any caring nurse would feel obligated to go check on the patient whenever he/she could. When in this situation a nursing student would have to think about what this would mean for her career. She would be crossing a professional standpoint of keeping a caretaker relationship of the patient. Personally, I believe she should politely decline to visit her. †¢The nursing student †¦. * The nursing student would no longer be in her working environment at this point and she should not give any medical advice. She would again be crossing the professional/personal boundary. The nursing student should tell the patient to return to the hospital to be checked on.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
“Paglilihi†or Pregnancy Cravings Essay
Many Filipinos, to this day, believe that what you eat and crave for during pregnancy has a direct influence on the physical attributes of the baby. However, scientific studies prove that there is no link between paglilihi and the unborn baby’s physical attributes. As Genetics tell us, our physical attributes are inherited from our parents’ and grandparents’ set of genes and not from food cravings. Reference: Lui B., â€Å"Five Health Myths Many Filipinos Believe†, (; â€Å"Pregnant Women†, Health Aspect ( Myth #2: Post-labor Stomach Binding It is a common practice for Filipina women to bind their abdomen tightly after pregnancy, believing that this practice helps the uterus to retract and gets the stomach back into shape. However, scientific evidence suggests otherwise. Tying a cloth around one’s tummy can put pressure on the uterus, causing it to bleed. It can also lead to further complications, especially if you’ve experienced a C-section. Evidence also suggests that a combination of diet and mild exercise is the best way to get back into shape after pregnancy. Reference: â€Å"Cultural dimensions of pregnancy, birth and post-natal care†, Queensland Government (; â€Å"Will using a corset or tying a cloth around my stomach help it regain its pre-pregnancy shape?†, Baby Center ( Myth #3: Eating twin bananas may lead to twins This myth has many variations, with some claiming that bananas lead to regular twins while others insist on Siamese twins, which is a serious condition wherein twins are born with part of their bodies joined together. However, this myth has no scientific basis, as twin development happens purely by chance or because of your genes (for non-identical twins). Reference: â€Å"Pregnancy Myths and Facts†, Huggies PH ( Myth #4: â€Å"Usog†or the Stranger’s Evil Eye Usog is an age-old Filipino superstition. The belief states that discomfort (fever, bloating, nausea/vomiting) is brought to the baby by a stranger or visitor who is said to have an evil eye. A simple greeting from the visitor is said to be enough to cause this curse. To counter the curse, the stranger would need to say â€Å"pwera usog†while licking his thumb and applying saliva while tracing a cross on the infant’s forehead. Despite having no scientific basis or proof regarding the occurrences of usog, many superstitious Filipinos believe in the practice to this date. However, this superstition lacks scientific proof. Reference: Ina Atutubo, MD, â€Å"Is â€Å"Usog†for Real?†, Smart Parenting (; â€Å"Usog†, Wikipedia ( Despite the fact that many Filipino superstitions and myths lack scientific explanation, many mothers-to-be still follow them by the letter for two reasons: the â€Å"better to be safe than sorry†mentality, and out of respect for the elders or tradition. Some of these superstitions are harmless, but do take extra care and always consult with your OB-gyne before subjecting yourself or your baby to any healing or cleansing rituals. Keeping a healthy balance between modern medicine and Filipino culture will ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Civilizations Influence on Asia and Europe Essay
Civilizations Influence on Asia and Europe The break of the European civilization in existence in the 17th century was based upon the change on religious views and motivation for advancement within the culture. The people of Europe looked to other countries where the gain of independence was soon to be sought and perused that dream during these times. With laws of government that became unjustly to the lower class and harsh treatment to the poor and women are only some of the few things that had an influence on the culture during this time. Asia had a development of a new government and social strengths. With the expansion of commercial trade Asia had became a hot commodity making it a resource for all countries that looked to them for trade. Even today we rely on Asia when it comes to trade and development within our economy from transportation to entertainment. The cultural difference of the two was that one was more resourceful than the other. Comparing the two, both were able to expand their trade system and still had a cultural ethic of discrimination towards the lower class and mistreatment towards the women in their cultures. In Europe, reformation was one of the influential factors toward the people of the country. It was one of the most important divisions of the religion we now know as Christianity. Within this movement the Catholic Church was divided into two areas. One is being Protestant, which is one of the four principal traditions within the Christian religion. Its originator, Martin Luther, was the first to lead the Reformation in the year 1517 after the disappointment he carried with the Catholic Church. His purpose for this dramatic change against the Catholic Church was to create doubt amongst the followers of the Catholic Church and to intimidate them into changing their ways. One of where they believed that in order for them to get into heaven they must pay their tithe and offerings to the church. The Protestants believed that the bible is the final source of authority for all of God’s followers, not the church. Some of its denominations are still around in today’s society, which we know them as Lutheran, Methodist, and Baptist. ‘ He thought that the people should not be able to buy their way out of punishment for their sins. ‘ Europe was also going through the phase of mistreatment towards its commoners and lower class citizens. The Aristocrats, seen themselves as people with more worth than those of a common status and seek to treat the lower class with the most disrespect . Women were also seen as an unequal acquaintances and not even allowed to be spoken to as a man. Land â€Å"lords†were the worst when it came to habitual security towards the lower working class because they raised the taxes and abused their laborers believing that physically hurting them would motivate them to work harder. The education system in Europe around this time was also limited to where women were not given the same knowledge as the men. With this unfair treatment the commoners, who were a high status than the serfs, felt that they had no power or say in anything than the aristocrats, even though they were not physically treated like peasants were. With emotional distress like this, it was very common for the commoners, peasants and serfs to fall into many cases of depression and overwhelming distress. With the attitudes of such unequal treatment is what gave the Europeans a motivation to want to branch out into the world and discover new opportunities for trade and even democracy. 7th century Asia consisted of similar attitudes as the Europeans did towards their government and lower class. In Asia the treatment of women was very common and maliciously intended. India and China share almost a similar beginning in their civilization and dynasties. It is believed that civilization in China originated around yellow river in 2700 BCE and all began with dynasties beginning with Shang dynasty which was founded in 1800-1500 BCE. Much of the Chinese philosophies revolve around Confucianism which emphasized on conformity by moral excellence and respect for the elderly and superiors in the society. They believed there would be good governance if people adopted confusion teachings. They worked more towards harmonizing with nature. China’s foundation was solidly founded on Confucian foundation despite the inception of Buddhism. In India, the treatment towards the women was the same. If a woman was to not be able to bare a child for her husband that was something to frown upon. The Indians sold more to the Romans than they bought from them making a lot of wealth from them which lead to the mitigation and collapse of the Mauryan Empire. The Kushans who invaded were later assimilated to the Indian and further adopting the Indian language and intermarried with the royal families of India. Various dynasties fell among them the Maghadha who were conquered by the Andhara. China’s Luoyang’s royal palace was burned, Imperial tombs were looted. The Jin emperor was carried off and forced to become a cupbearer, until Liu Chong had him executed. Among the southerner’s they refused to cooperate with the government at Jiakang. But Jin Yuandi was patient. His regime avoided interfering with the privileges of the south’s elite family, and eventually Jin Yuandi’s regime persuaded the elite to cooperate with it. Across the Silk Road, the Buddhist’s of Northern China remained connected to Central Asia and India, and Buddhism was a conduct for Hellenistic culture from Central Asia. From Buddhism, many Chinese gathered that China was not the only civilized country in the world. They learned respect for India and felt compelled to re-examine the theory that the Chinese emperor was the Son of Heaven and enthroned at the center of the world. In translating Buddhism to Chinese, Taoist words were used. And through mistranslation, Chinese Buddhism acquired a belief that was foreign to Buddhism elsewhere. Buddhism became the favored religion among the chieftains, and more popular among the masses in the north. Buddhism spread through all classes of Chinese, influencing art, thought and daily customs. Tea, which was mostly used by Buddhists, became China’s national drink, and Buddhist’s introduced the Chinese to the wearing of cotton. Buddhism’s great temples influenced Chinese architecture–a counter to Confucianism’s condemnation of complex buildings as an extravagance. In the place of the contempt for which Confucians had held the writing of stories and novels, Buddhism gave this kind of writing new prestige. Across the Silk Road, the Buddhist’s of Northern China remained connected to Central Asia and India, and Buddhism was a conduct for Hellenistic culture from Central Asia. From Buddhism, many Chinese gathered that China was not the only civilized country in the world. They learned respect for India and felt compelled to re-examine the theory that the Chinese emperor was the Son of Heaven and enthroned at the center of the world. In translating Buddhism to Chinese, Taoist words were used. And through mistranslation, Chinese Buddhism acquired a belief that was foreign to Buddhism elsewhere belief in a soul that an imperishable part of one’s humanity. Perishable part of one’s humanity. But conflicts existed between Buddhism and Taoism. The Taoists were devoted to nature while Buddhist’s believed in withdrawal from nature. India advanced with time by giving its citizens freedom to apply their skills in mathematics, art and architecture among other things making them rich and dominant. Hindu religion got a boost from the royalties which saw it regaining ground from Buddhism which had taken root. As this was in the beginning of the development of the countries in Asia, the 17th century changes came from the factors of older culture related ethics and influential social standards. Women in Asia had similar characteristic treatment traits that made them inferior to the men. Women were seeked as pleasure principals and pro-creators, with the idea that they were not to enjoy any aspect of their lives. When the rise of Buddhism and Confucianism began the high standard they carried for living had decreased. In china, the women were seen as less than a man but about a little more than a slave. The ability to have a voice or make a self-made decision was not an option for the Chinese women. Even as children, females were sold in the city for services toward the men, most likely ended up in brothels. The men even controlled their way of managing the lifestyle for their children and house hold. In the country of India, the caste system is what made advancements towards its culture. With this in place many of its people believed that you were born into what ever you became or were at that time. Even if you were seen as intelligent or found a lump sum of money, your destiny is what determines your lifestyle and future (which is ridiculous). The women in this culture was also given mal-treatment and seen as nothing more than a pro-creator and had to be obedient. The Indians believed that the women in their country should be humble and never arrogant or rude. If a wife was to disobey her husband’s instruction, she was sought to be punished physically. The Japanese culture, women were not even allowed to sit, bathe, or stand in the same place as men were. Intimacy was ordered and not a choice for most Japanese women, along with friendship, by their parents. The rules the women had to obey in their culture were that of obedience. The irony of these countries in the Continent of Asia is that the dominant religious views speak on how people should respect each other and all men are created equal. With such transformation and discrimination amongst the classes the Europeans and Asians civilizations were the same in many ways. They both discriminated against the women, which we still had problems with over seas and had a great deal of maltreatment towards people of the lower class. In Europe, the taxes were high on the poor and so was the malicious intent the upper class consciously placed on the poor. In Asia, the same methods were taken into action as the Indians had the caste system. As the government had a fear into the countries, villages developed their own systems to follow. Even as these influences took over the changes made in both cultures was detrimental and beneficial. With the expansion of trade to both countries gave more opportunities for power and wealth. When the Asian became a source for the other world countries, they began to gain more than lose. Since the Europeans looked in the third world countries for spices and silks, all of what was needed; there was still not as much power on their behalf as the Asians. Even today, after the fact that the Europeans had came to America to begin a democracy based economy, the need to network with third world countries still exist. Reference:’ Dennis Sherman, A. Tom Grunfeld, Gerald Markowirz, David Rosner, and Linda Heywood. , (2006) World Civilizations: Sources, Images, and Interpretations (4th Ed. Vol. 1). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Harrison Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Harrison Company - Case Study Example It is important to highlight that the company faces multiple social and ethical issues. The issues are being identified and discussed in the table below: Issue Description about the issue Association in terms of outsourcing with a Honduran company that engages unethical manufacturing practices in its units The issue of unethical manufacturing practices engaged by a Honduran company came into focus when one of the ex employees of the company spread the word in the media that the company share a buyer relationship with the Honduran company that follows slave like working conditions for its employees. The ex employee brought the accusation that Harrison Company engage in buying inexpensive clothing from the Honduran company. Lack of whistle blowing policy It can be assumed that the claim by the ex employee that he was fired because he tried to generate awareness among the top management about the unethical practices of the Honduran company as true. The reason behind considering this inc ident as a true one is because there is no possible documentation of this incident, which further reveals that the top management did not want to keep a record of this incident and preferred to keep it hidden from the employee view. The lack of a whistle policy within the organization and the option of protecting an employee who engages in whistle blowing activity for the welfare of the organization perceived as a very serious ethical issue. Lack of ability to form a union The company’s focus on restricting the freedom of the employees to form a union has to be considered seriously from the ethical angles. The inability to form a union by the company’s employees will keep themselves vulnerable to the whims and fancies of the top managements. The top management has the ability to make certain changes in regards to pay as well as working conditions which may not be on the employees’ collective favour. The lack of ability to form a union by the employees will lead to the loss of the power of the employees to engage in collective bargaining, which has the potential to develop a sustainable and healthy work environment within the company. Significant amount of donation to the charity It has been identified that the company makes a huge amount of contribution to the favourite charity of the previous president, which is located very close to the company headquarters. Since the company is facing financial difficulties in the current times, the large contributions to the charity become an indirect social issue. The reason this can be a social issue for the company is because the company is focusing on generating profits by relying on part time workers, thereby reducing the chances of full time employment for the potential employees. Significant amount of contribution to the various communities It has also been found that the company makes a considerable amount of contribution to various community specific endeavours. Since the company is facing fin ancial difficulties in the current times, the large contributions to the community endeavours become an indirect social issue. The reason this can be a social issue for the company is because the company is focusing on generating profits by relying on part time workers, thereby reducing the chances of full time employment for the potential employees. Talking in regards to a factor of environmental stability, the issue of unethical slave like manufacturing conditions within the Honduran company needs to be taken into focus. This particular issue has been considered since it has the ability to trigger a threatening situation in terms of political as well as social environment stability in the host country. It needs to be considered that the continued engagement and association of Harrison Company with the Honduran company, which already has developed a notorious reputation for slave type manufacturing conditions, will have a strong negative impact on the company’
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