Friday, November 29, 2019

Johnson v. Misercordia Hospital Essay Example

Johnson v. Misercordia Hospital Paper In 1980, patient (plaintiff) James Johnson filed suit against Misericordia Community Hospital alleging medical malpractice. The suit specifically alleged corporate negligence in the appointment of Dr. Lester V. Salinksy (independent member) to the medical staff at Misericordia Community Hospital. During the surgery, Dr. Salinsky severed the femoral artery, resulting in partial paralysis for Johnson (casebriefs. com). Ultimately, Johnson suffered a permanent paralytic condition to his right thigh muscles with resultant atrophy and weakness as well as a loss of function after undergoing hip surgery performed by Dr. Salinsky (Showalter, 2012). Salinsky settled litigation with the plaintiff Johnson before trial, but Misericordia disputed the allegation that the hospital was negligent in the hiring of Salinsky. The issue of significance revealed during the trial of Johnson v. Misericordia Community Hospital is that Salinsky’s qualifications, medical standing and references listed on the application of employment were never verified by Misericordia. During the trial it was revealed that; Dr. Salinsky presented an application for employment with information that included significant misstatements and exclusions that should have been a cause for a denial of appointment to Misericordia’s medical staff. For example, Salinsky failed to answer questions related to his malpractice liability insurance and also failed to mention that his privileges had been suspended, diminished, revoked or not renewed at any hospital. We will write a custom essay sample on Johnson v. Misercordia Hospital specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Johnson v. Misercordia Hospital specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Johnson v. Misercordia Hospital specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Instead, not only were Salinsky’s requested orthopedic privileges and appointment to the hospital’s medical staff approved; Salinsky was also elevated to the position of Chief of Medical staff shortly after joining the medical staff. Misericordia’s medical staff coordinator, Jane Bekos stated that an examination of Misericordia’s records reflected that at no time was an investigation made by anyone representing Misericordia, of any of the statements recited in Salinsky’s application or employment (Showalter, 2012). This was an oversight on behalf of Misercordia despite the fact that the Salinsky’s application for employment authorized Misericordia to contact his malpractice carriers, past and present, and all the hospitals that he had previously been associated with, for the purpose of obtaining any information bearing on his professional competence, as well as his moral, and ethical qualifications for staff membership State the relevant laws that the case uses. The Doctrine of Corporate Negligence holds health-care facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes and medical clinics, accountable for the well-being of patients. Under the Doctrine of Corporate Negligence the hospital owes certain â€Å"duties† directly to the patient, which cannot be delegated to the medical staff. Under the Doctrine of Corporate Negligence Misericordia Community Hospital, owes a duty to its patients to refrain from any act which will cause foreseeable harm to others even though the nature of that harm and identity of the harmed person or harmed interest are unknown at the time of the act (westlaw citation). The Pennsylvania Supreme Court in Thompson v. Nason Hospital classified the hospital’s duties into four categories. 1) a duty to use reasonable care in the maintenance of safe and adequate facilities and equipment; 2) a duty to select and retain only competent physicians; 3) a duty to oversee all persons who practice medicine within its walls as to patient care; and 4) a duty to formulate, adopt and enforce adequate rules and policies to ensure quality care for the patients. The hospital also failed to adhere to its own bylaw provisions and to the Wisconsin statues related to medical credentialing. The respondeat superior doctrine holds an entity liable for the negligent acts of an employee arising from the course of his or her employment. At the onset of Salinsky’s employment he was an independent contractor. Hence, Johnson is not claiming Misercoridia vicariously liable for the negligence of Salinsky under respondeant superior. Salinsky would have had to be an employee of Misercordia for the respondeant superior doctrine to hold up throughout a court trial. Globally the Corporate Negligence Doctrine means that hospitals are no longer immune from tort liability when a case of negligence is brought to court. The hospital duty is owed directly to the patient. Hospitals who wish to avoid liability in cases such as Johnson v. Misercordia Community Hospital should ensure that the organization has an established and functioning credentialing system. Each application for employment should be verified including the applicant’s prior hospital affiliations and malpractice carriers. There should also be an established procedure utilized to approve medical privileges to the hospital and elevation to other positions in the hospital. The appointment and approval of medical privileges should also be approved by the governing board or executive committee after the credentials of the applicant have been verified. The adoption of corporate liability (negligence) has been linked to the rising number of medical malpractice claims, the ever increasing cost of healthcare (particularly in the United States) and also the issues related to obtaining and maintaining medical malpractice coverage for health care providers and entities. References Personal Injury and Corporate Negligence. (n. d. ). The Law Offices of Stephen R Bough. Retrieved March 15, 2014, from http://www. boughlawfirm. com/articles/personal-injury-corporate-negligence JOHNSON v. MISERICORDIA COMMUNITY HOSP. | Leagle. com. (n. d. ). JOHNSON v. MISERICORDIA COMMUNITY HOSP. | Leagle. com. Retrieved March 14, 2014, from http://www. leagle. com/decision/198180799Wis2d708_1746. xml/JOHNSON%20v. %20MISERICORDIA%20COMMUNITY%20HOSP. ’ Showalter, J. S. (2012). Liability of the Healthcare Institution. The law of healthcare administration (6th ed. , pp. 157-190). Chicago, Ill. : Health Administration Press.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Crossing Over With John Edward essays

Crossing Over With John Edward essays  ¡Crossing Over With John Edwards ¡ was something new to me, so I was not expecting anything in particular when we watched it in class. I decided to keep an open mind, in spite of the prevailing opinions from my classmates. While I was watching the video clips, a lot of thoughts ran through my mind, and the validity of the show was one of them...or lack thereof. As a Christian and a person who has had someone close to me pass away, I feel like John Edwards is manipulating these vulnerable people to make an interesting television show. When my grandfather passed away, I was stricken with grief because I was very attached to him. However, because of my strong religious convictions, I was convinced that he died and went to heaven. He was not crossing over or talking to people on earth because that is simply not what you do in heaven, in my opinion. Of course, what John Edwards is doing may be believable to some, but for those who stand by their principles, his  ¡Ã‚ °gift ¡ seems to act as a barrier for people getting over a loss. I think it is unhealthy for people to dwell on a loss, much less gain false hope from someone who believes he can talk and communicate with the dead that have  ¡Ã‚ °crossed over. ¡ When people think they are talking to someone close who has passed away, it gets in the way of their grieving and prolongs the suffering that will ensue. My grandfather has been dead for two years now, and this show, as believable as it may seem, feels like it is diminishing the memory of people who have passed away. It is a little insulting that death can be taken so frivolously. That may not be the intention of the show, but that is the impression I got from watching it. John Edwards matches a few general details and suddenly he is talking to dead people who are trying to communicate with him. John Edwards is no doubt a talented man. However, I do not believe he has the talent of com...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HUMAN RESOURCE - Essay Example It is far too easy to hide discriminatory practices when subjective measures are used. Affirmative action was certainly needed to right the wrongs committed prior to the Civil Rights Era. Quotas, set-asides, and racial balance can only be justified in this context. In the wake of the Jim Crow Era, the American people did not have the patience to let racism die a slow death over several generations. Allowing subtle forms of racism to persist may have prolonged discriminatory practices indefinitely. While there are still people that maintain bigoted ways of thinking, I think we have come to a point were affirmative action does more harm than good. However, the only way to know for sure would be to end affirmative action and to monitor the consequences. It is perhaps for this reason that the Supreme Court has chosen to err on the side of caution and allow some affirmative action policies to be maintained for at least the next 25 years. The blatant use of quotas has been struck down, but this hasnt protected corporations and institutions from lawsuits. Just as the prohibition of discrimination has resulted in more subtle forms of discrimination, the prohibition of quotas has resulted in more subtle forms of affirmative action. Quotas will not go away until racial imbalance cannot be used as evidence of discrimination. The problem with quotas is that racial imbalance is not just the product of discrimination. There are other confounding variables aside from race. It has become apparent that socioeconomic status is a better predictor of academic aptitude. Although there are correlations between socioeconomic status and race, it is not right to perpetuate a system where performance is not rewarded. The initial effect of affirmative action was to challenge bigoted ways of thinking. Now that those deeply ingrained beliefs have been challenged and adjusted to reality, the persistence

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Port Security. (Freight, shippment studies) Essay

International Port Security. (Freight, shippment studies) - Essay Example The piracy and the armed robbery of ships belong to such crimes at sea. Last years the international terrorism has left the national frameworks and has turned into a problem of a world scale, becoming one of the most dangerous and unpredictable criminal actions. Sea objects often become the targets of terrorist organizations for putting pressure upon the governments of various countries. Though in the issue these actions do not lead to achievement of results desirable by terrorists, all of them involve people's sufferings, and even worst human victims, and cause a significant material damage. Piracy is unlawful actions against navigation in the waters outside of national jurisdiction of this or that country. It belongs to one of the most ancient threats to the vital interests of the states, representing now real danger to navigation and, first of all, to the rights of each person to life, to freedom, and to inviolability. Modern piracy is a child of criminal organizations. Some kind of trans-national corporations, which are engaged in traffic of drugs, weapon, contraband, now come into operation on the sea. The first one of their revenues is a piracy in traditional sense of the word. The second and, perhaps, more essential is the fulfilment of orders of big business. It is generally known that monopolies wage cruel war with each other. And frequently monopolists in order to overcome the competitor, to get ahead of it, to make it weaker by causing some material damage recourse to services of pirates. Making illegal actions, criminals not only abduct some material values, but also use power that cause damage to people's health and even murders. Actions of terrorists, which aspire to reach their purposes, at the expense of life of harmless people are similar.In order to have a possibility to struggle the terrorist and pirates attacks and to ensure secure maritime operations both at the sea and ashore it has been worked out the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. Let us make analysis of the Code and its implementation.ISPS Code and its ImplementationWhat is ISPS Code From the beginning of the 1980s the problem of safety at sea has become a subject of constant attention of the international governmental and nongovernmental organizations. As it was mentioned above the only way to get a result in the battle with various unlawful acts at sea is to combine the efforts of both governmental and nongovernmental organizations of all states. First of all let us consider overview of the notification obligations of ISPs and network operators in selected EU countries made by Patrick Camerer Cuss (2007). He provided the analysis of Security breaches in different EU countries.The UK When must you disclose To whom must you disclose Does National Law state what "appropriate Security Measures" are Response of the Member State to the Commission's Proposal When "there remains a significant risk to the security of the public electronic communications service". Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations Guidance

Monday, November 18, 2019

Research papper about photographer Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Papper about photographer - Research Paper Example They cumulative effects of Araki’s images are great. Araki establishes the notion that everything strictly Japanese, by design, prohibits outsiders from participation. Japan has been, in the western perception, the very replica of the other even though it remains vague to what level this repeal is true (Sharp 23). Araki’s art should, in reality, fall in this group of the other for people now that the photographer hardly ever leaves Japan, that he did not go to a western university and that he strictly speaks Japanese (Searle 1). However, his works attain exactly the opposite effect. Westerners gain the adamant feeling that these images are addressed to them - not in the logic that they are reflections of western traditions or images - like the travesties of western cinema and art found in the parodies of the Japanese picture taker Morimura - but because they function in line with the rules established in western â€Å"modernist† discourse. This paper will dwell o n this photographer and give a brief biography of his life, as well as his works. Biography Nobuyoshi Araki was born on 25th May, 1940, in Tokyo, Japan. He studied cinematography in his college days and, after graduating, went to work at Dentsu, a Tokyo-based advertising company, where he met essayist Yoko Araki, who become his future wife. Araki was only 32 years when he quit his job at the advertising agency and, after that, his works remained nearly unrecognized in the Western world (Design Autopsy 1). Of the over 70 brochures and books that published his images, produced in Japan those days, none of them were available in America and even Europe. His initial solo show outside Japan was in 1992, in Graz, and then subsequently started appearing in Germany, Austria, Holland, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Scotland. This was from 1992 to 199 (Design Autopsy 1). The years were considered a success story for the photographer who was barely known outside his nation. However, he was not t he normal artist, who is introverted, painstaking or regional, unfairly neglected by the chaotic exhibition scene (Design Autopsy 1). Araki had long before become a star in Japan’s media and a person always bounded by an entourage just like the king of pop, Michael Jackson. Araki was a tough person, a classy maverick and an artist acknowledged for particular eroticisms albeit for extremely different images. Having transformed through the countless rumors and the astounding tales connected to his name, an observer is attracted to such comparisons(Searle 1)As hard as it is to imagine Araki the artist and the photographer, the objective of tracing the genesis of his ads and deciding the actual objective is not less elusive (Design Autopsy 1). Araki’s images are full of explicit sexual characters and also heavy sexual metaphors. However, the explicitness in Araki’s photos is not â€Å"hot† as the way as it is exhibited in the sex industry (Sharp 45). His meta phors also forge connections to many other, likewise corporeal images - interiors and cityscapes, which are normally devoid of individuals and have a figurative passion of their own (Searle 1). Araki draws from a vast store of pictures, which are extended endlessly – images that have neither titles nor dates – and eventually circles around a diminutive core of normally recurring

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Wuthering Heights: Questions and Answers

Wuthering Heights: Questions and Answers Mr. Lockwood remembered he was sleeping on a wooden bed and the wind and tree branches were hitting the window. He was so upset by the noise, while, in a dream, got up and tried to open the window. He failed, because seems the window was welded, and then broke the glass with his fist and pulled his hand to remove the annoying branch, but instead of the branch he felt a small icy hand, touching him. He was terrified, and wanted to remove his arm, but the little hand grabbed him while he begged her to let him go, Mr. Lockwood asked him who she was and she replied: Catherine Linton, she said she got lost and she was back home now. He did not know why he remembered the name Linton, although he had read twenty times the surname Earnshaw. He looked and saw the face of a girl through the window. He was horrified, trying to get rid of the girl, she was grabbing his fists against the glass, until the glass cut his fists and the blood came and soaked the sheets, she kept moaning, Let me in,. Mr. Lockwood was completely terrorized. He asked her to let him go, the ghost of Catherine eased the pressure. He put his hand inside through the gap of broken glass; He tried to put books in the whole of the broken glass, and covered his ears, avoiding to listen the painful plea. He waited some time, maybe fifteen minutes, but once again he heard the same plea. Go away! Mr. Lockwood told Catherine. Catherines ghost seemed to enter and push the books, the scream terrified. That scream was not a dreaming. Steps approached the door of the bedroom. Someone opened the door, Mr. Lockwood sat in his bed, sweating, trembling terrified. Make some predictions: Heathcliff next begs Cathy to come to him once more. Who do you think this older Cathy might have been? Why might she be haunting Wuthering Heights? I think Heathcliff was in love with this older Cathy; she must passed away and left him alone in pain with his love. Chapter Four: Mrs. Dean explains the relationships between the various characters so far. Refer to the Family Tree that you created for the Character Activity; it shows a near-incestuous series of intermarriages. Choose the letter of the correct completion for each sentence below: Heathcliff is Hareton Earnshaws i. Father ii. Uncle iii. Father-in-law iv. Step-brother Catherine Linton is Heathcliffs i. Daughter ii. Foster sister iii. Wife iv. Daughter-in-law Hareton is Catherine Lintons i. Step-brother ii. Brother iii. Cousin iv. No relation We now have two narrators for the novel. Although the novel is told through a first person point-of-view, Brontes strategy results in more omniscience than we might normally expect. Explain. Choose the correct explanation for Heathcliffs arrival in the Earnshaw family: Mr. Earnshaw went to Liverpool on a business trip and brought a gypsy boy home with him. Mrs. Earnshaw objected strenuously, but her husband insisted that they name the boy after their dead son, Heathcliff, and that they raise him as their own. Both Cathy and Hindley hated the little stranger and bullied him well into his teens. Mr. Earnshaw returned from a business trip with a black peasant boy that he had rescued from the city streets. Named Heathcliff, he proved to be a quiet, uncomplaining child, even when ill. Nelly Dean was his only ally, however, as no one else in the family would have anything to do with him. Hindley beat Heathcliff every chance he got, and Catherine left him on the stairs rather than permit him a bed in the house. Mr. Earnshaw went to Liverpool on business, and brought a ragged, dark child home with him. Heathcliff, as he came to be named, became Mr. Earnshaws favorite, over his own two children, which caused Hindley, the eldest, to hate the newcomer. The rivalry between Hindley and Heathcliff sometimes turned violent. Chapter Five: Identify two Gothic elements of the novel from the first five chapters. Bad weather accompanies unpleasant events. Lockwood meets Catherines ghost during an unseasonable and unexpected snowstorm, Mr. Earnshaw dies while a high wind blustered round the house and roared in the chimney, and Heathcliff runs away while a storm came rattling over the Heights in full fury What is the main event of this chapter? Mr. Earnshaw started to get sicker and his character was getting worse, and more and more he preferred to Heathcliff over his own son, the relationship between his son and Heathcliff got worse by the day. Mr. Earnshaw protected more Heathcliff than Hindley, until finally he sent his son away from Wuthering Heights, Mr. Earnshaw finally died one night in the company of old Cathy. Chapter Six: Chapter 6 employs a time-honoured strategy for throwing together potential lovers: the lady becomes ill or injured and cannot leave the gentlemans home for a protracted length of time. Explain why Catherine went to the Lintons in the first place and describe the event that led to her remaining at Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliff and Cathy went to spy on the Lintons family just to get away from Hindley, but the dogs found them and got Cathy from her leg, she was hurt and was asked to stay at the Lintons while Heathcliff was asked to leave. She stayed at Thrushcross Grange five weeks until her ankle was complete cure. She came different, was not a savage anymore instead was a pretty lady now. Heathcliff isnt invited to stay because he is so ragged and dirty. He was not always this way. Why is he no longer Catherines equal? Because his protector Mr. Earnshaw died and since he didnt have anyone to take care of him and Hindley hated him, Heathcliff was reduced to be a servant and to do more work, Hindley did not let him live as part of the family anymore. Chapter Seven: Nelly Dean finds fault with Heathcliffs face. What advice does she give him to improve its expression of a vicious cur? Nelly Dean recommended Heathcliff to change his attitude and try to learn to smooth away the surly wrinkles, to raise his frankly, and to change that expression of an angry dog. Nelly disobeys Hindleys orders and allows Heathcliff to have some of the cakes that are reserved for Catherine and the Lintons, but Heathcliff has no appetite for them. Instead, he is meditating on what subject? Heathcliff is meditating in how Cathy forgot already about him and comparing himself with Edgar Linton, he felt miserable and lonely. Chapter Eight: Hindleys son, Hareton, is born, but his beloved wife dies. First, describe Hindleys reaction to the death, and next, explain how we know that Hindley can be dangerous. Hindley seems to live his son in the beginning however he started drinking too much, losing control of his acts and one day he tried to kill his own son dropping him from upstairs when Heathcliff unintentionally saved him. Hindley was violent and willing to hurt anyone when was drunk, It was definitely no save at all for anyone of the house to be with him. Catherine reveals her unpleasant side. What two things does she do? Cathering ordered Edgar to stop crying because his brother was coming, after Heathcliff threw a tureen of hot apple sauce in Edgars face and neck. And was very rude to Isabella being sarcastic, asking her if anyone hurt her, because Isabella was crying after the unpleasant incident between Heathcliff and his brother Edgar Linton.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How Elizabeth Gaskell Manipulates the Readers Feelings in The Half Brot

How Elizabeth Gaskell Manipulates the Readers Feelings in The Half Brothers 'The Half-Brothers" is a story written in the mid-1900's by a middle-class Victorian writer called Elizabeth Gaskell. She has a strong moral interest in the difficulties of poor people who lived in abject poverty. This is what inspired her to write stories such as "The Half-Brothers". Some of her characters in this short story are described in such a way as to provoke sympathy and admiration for them from the reader. However other characters have much more depth to them and are more complicated. The suspense she creates in the particularly dramatic episode set in the Fells in the north of England also manipulates the reader's feelings. The first character we are introduced to is Helen- the narrator's mother. She is a very sympathetic character. Almost immediately the writer starts to gain our pity for Helen. She was so young when she was first married- "scarcely seventeen" in fact, and her husband was barely "one and twenty". Both of these emphasises how very young they were when they entered into such a great commitment of marriage. Things did not go well for her from the start. The small farm they rented only brought them into more debt but she defended her first husband by saying "perhaps he was too young and inexperienced". No blame is put on anyone for what ahs happened and this helps to show Helen's peaceful character. A few sentences in to the story Gaskell includes an extremely long sentence that spans over about 11 lines. This elicits the reader's pity for Helen by giving us a sense that all her problems are accumulating. Helen becomes a widow very early- "a young widow of 20" is how she is described. This tautology em... life if sleep does successfully 'steal' over him. A tautology 'deadly fatal' is once again used to emphasise how grave the situation has become. They have run out of ideas of how to be saved their 'only' chance is in Lassie. The suspense then ends at what seems to be a blackout. We find out about Gregory's death a few lines later with "a look passed from one to another." I felt Elizabeth Gaskell manipulated my feelings very well in a wide variety of ways. I thought Helen and Gregory were the type of people who we would like to aspire to. I had a lot of mixed feelings towards Preston, as he was very a complicated character. I thought his character was described very well but also very originally. However, I cannot come to a conclusion on how I feel towards him. I thought the fells episode was quite exciting and suspense was built up very well in it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Joomla File Upload Plugin

File  Upload  Plugin  user  manual Thank  you  for  downloading  and  use  the  file  upload  plugin  for  Joomla! ,  the  usage  of  this  extensions  is  so  simple,  you   only  need  to  activate  the  plugin  in  the  backend  and  then  open  one  published  article  and  type  at  the  bottom  {upload}   (this  especial  word  can  be  changed  in  the  plugin  parameters  for  compatibility  with  other  possible  extensions). Once  you  or  your  users  are  logued  in  the  public  front ­end  the  input  field  turn  to  visible,  if  not,  Ã‚  a  nice  message  invite   your  guest  to  register. Fig  1. If  the  user  is  a  guest  only  view  a  styled  messageFig  2. Once  the  users  are  logued  the  plugin  works  with  the  file  manager  activa te This  are  the  mandatory  steps,  later  you  can  change  many  parameters  in  the  back ­end,  this  parameters  are  explained  now: Fig  3. The  general  settings †¢ †¢ At  the  first  time  we  can  hide  or  show  the  bbcode  {upload}  when  the  plugin  are  deactivated. We  can  enable  the  mailing  system  to  notify  the  administrator  in  every  new  file  uploaded,  if  this  system  is   enabled  since  version  1. 6. 1  we  can  add  a  new  email  address  and  decide  if  the  message  are  in  html  or  text/plain   format.The  bbcode  word  by  default  {upload}  can  change  by  others,  perhaps  this  bbcode  crash  with  other  plugins,  if  so,   change  this  word  by  anyone. When  the  system  try  to  create  the  needed  str ucture  folder  you  can  decide  the  permissions  by  default  0777. The  size  of  the  input  field. The  button  value The  class  of  the  button,  by  default  Ã¢â‚¬Å"button†,  this  is  the  default  class  in  joomla! But  you  can  change  to  other. Equal  to  button  class  but  now  for  the  input  field The  maxlenght  permitted  in  the  input  field The  allowed  mime ­types,  you  can  type  as  many  as  you  want  separated  by  commas,  the  system  compare  this  list

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Impact of Cultural Factors on E-governance in Saudi Arabia essay

buy custom Impact of Cultural Factors on E-governance in Saudi Arabia essay In the advent of information technology, E-governance has emerged as means in which Governments inform the citizens on national matters as well as issue directives. This is well documented in various government websites belonging to different government agencies. However progress on E-governance is subject to strong influence by cultural factors. This study is going to elucidate the cultural influence on E-governance based on Hofstedes framework whose parameters include power distance, masculinity, individualism, long-term orientation and uncertainty avoidance. Justification for the Study Economic factors such as infrastructure, human capital, propensity to trade, income level and economic growth strongly influence the infiltration and rate of IT application by the masses. However the rate of IT application is also influenced by cultural factors as provided for in Hofstedes framework. Ample evidence has shown discrepancies in the rate of IT application for developed countries with advanced, successful economies. This proves that aside economic factors, cultural factors are also at play in influencing the rate of embracing IT and this has far reaching effects on e-governance. Saudi Arabia is a model country where strong Islamic values define the national culture. There is need to assess the impact of the Saudi national culture on E-governance. Research Model and Hypotheses In accordance to Hofstedes framework, five hypotheses have been formulated to infer the correlation of e-governance readiness and national cultural values in Saudi Arabia. 1.Power Distance This power distance parmeter is defined as the inequality of power distribution in a nation. In Saudi Arabia, power is centralized in the monarchy type of government. The King doubles up as the Prime Minister and all judicial, legislative and executive roles rest with the monarch. Common state law is largely as a result of presidential decree. In such a society that is characterized by a high power distance, citizens are less innovative and the society is less amenable to embracing change and making progress. Citizens lack the free will to undertake new applications outside the dictated norms . This is well exhibited by a government directive to ban the usage of iphones in Saudi institutions and security centers as they were deemed a threat to security. Citizens are less likely to take up e-government initiatives willingly. Hypothesis E-government readiness is low in Saudi Arabia as a result of the countrys high power distance 2.Masculinity The Saudi society and the rest of the Arab world is a masculine culture and it features values such competition, lays emphasis on material wealth and is largely oriented towards performance. This is at the expense of feminine cultural values such as equality and consensus seeking. Masculine cultures are more likely to embrace technology as a means of fostering economic growth as compared to feminine cultures. Consequently Saudi Arabia is an IT hub which serves as an important trade centre of various IT gadgets. The masses are more IT savvy and can utile various IT applications including E-governance. Hypothesis E-government readiness is high in Saudi Arabia as a result of the nations masculine cultuure. 3.Individualism Strong Islam values contribute to the closely knit Saudi nation where individuals conform to the community values. Conversely an individualistic nation is characterized by autonomous individuals who independently carry on with their lives outside the confines of societal norms. E-government readiness is high in individualistic societies as people apply IT to suit their individual needs and are less reliant on community biases as pertains to IT. Hence an individualistic nation is more receptive of government e-services. Hypothesis E-government readiness in Saudi Arabia is low due to its low individualism factor. 4.Long Term Orientation (LTO) This parameter concerns the value a culture lays on its traditions. The Saudi culture has a high LTO value as its deeply rooted to Islamic traditions. Such a culture holds onto its traditional values and is less likely to embrace changes such as IT and government e-services. Hypothesis E-government readiness in Saudi Arabia is low due to its high LTO value. 5.Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty avoidance is the propensity of discomfort towards ambiguity and uncertainty by persons in a society. High uncertainty avoidance is characterized in societies which are closely united and strongly adherent to common cultural values. The Saudi society is a model example of such a country as its cultural values are rooted to deep Islam ideals. This type of society is less likely to embrace changes such as IT and government e-services. Hypothesis E-government readiness in Saudi Arabia is low due to the high level of uncertainty avoidance. Buy custom Impact of Cultural Factors on E-governance in Saudi Arabia essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Problem of Ocean Pollution in Modern World

The Problem of Ocean Pollution in Modern World As a concerned member of the community, I am writing to relay my thoughts on a considerable geo-social issue affecting the community. It is of considerable concern how pollution in the ocean has been a major predicament, which is not only affecting the water masses, but people as well. The pollution of the water masses not only inhibits water life, but also affects people’s health as well as other natural resources.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Ocean Pollution in Modern World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although there are many natural wastes that affect the ocean life, it is evident that people are the principal cause of ocean pollution. Wastes such as toxic matter, plastics, and human wastes are some of the major sources of pollution in the ocean. In addition, chemicals such as bathing lotions, sunscreens, and other chemicals used by humans affect the toxicity level of water, which in t urn affects marine life. Water is the most valuable resource for human beings, as such, it is pertinent for people to protect it. Parent (7) asserts that solid content kills marine life, for instance, fish die due to their consumption of plastics. Up to 90% of foreign bodies, which float in the ocean, consist of plastics. it imposes some danger since it does not break down for a very long period of time (Parent 1). When fish ingest plastics, they are unable to digest it since it cannot be broken down by their stomach chemicals. Eventually, they end up dying out of starvation being unable to find food. Large marine animals are also not exempted. They are affected by chemicals present in plastics and other things abundant in the ocean. Chemicals from plastics in their turn increase global warming, which has been a major issue that affects the ocean causing water to rise in level eventually influencing animals, and humans near the ocean. Many people consume fish as food; when marine li fe is affected by toxic substance in the ocean, they can adversely affect humans to the extent of causing food poisoning, and even deformation of unborn children (Parent 8). Therefore, to save marine animals, it is necessary to conserve the ocean. In order to make this dream a reality, people need to adopt changes starting from their own culture of behavior. These include aspects, such as training themselves to use reusable bags while going for shopping. Furthermore, people should avoid littering garbage and chemicals used in their homes into the ocean. Parent (4) contends that people should be interested in making the ocean pure and not polluted (Parent 1). The government has been a supportive mechanism in this initiative by ensuring they provide litter bins in the surrounding areas near the ocean to enable those at the beach to put litter in the correct place. The community should work hand in hand with the set up organizations that ensure the safety and maintenance of the ocean. The organizations should also set up classes to educate the community on ways to protect the ocean, and the dangers they expose themselves to when they do not take care of it.Advertising Looking for essay on ecology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More I do believe that if every person is to do all the right things in order to ensure the safety and maintenance of the ocean, people would be creating the best environment for themselves and their future generations. Parent, Jason. Ocean Pollution Sources, Effects, and Prevention. 2010. Electronic Print.

Monday, November 4, 2019

How are Meat-Based Recipes Adapted for Vegetarians Research Paper

How are Meat-Based Recipes Adapted for Vegetarians - Research Paper Example However, upon heating, this bond is broken and proteins break down into amino acids and react with other chemicals. The difference in flavors between the original and the adapted recipes for vegetarians is noticeable, which is explained by Maillard reactions in the following way. In the Maillard reactions, the amino acids can come from any proteins and the sugars from any carbohydrates. In the first stage of the reactions, the proteins and carbohydrates are degraded into smaller sugars and amino acids. Next the sugar rings open and the resulting aldehydes and acids react with the amino acids to produce a wide range of chemicals. These new molecules then react amongst themselves to produce the main flavor compounds. Consider the adaptation of the chicken-stock recipe for vegetarians. The most apparent feature of chicken stock is â€Å"the unctuous texture that comes from glycerin, a protein found largely in bones.† The same effect can be achieved by roasting vegetables in olive oil first and then adding water. As oil is not soluble in water, therefore, the oil molecules will appear as droplets on the surface of the vegetable stock, similar to that of chicken stock. Take another example of adapting the recipe of beef-burger for vegetarians. As beef naturally contains fat, therefore, it is easy to shape minced beef into a burger patty. However, minced vegetables must rely on a binding agent like an egg to take the form of a patty. In this case, beaten eggs also act as an alternate source of proteins in the adapted recipe.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Answer the question - Essay Example It is therefore important that teachers embrace practical approach to learning through effective research to achieve the solutions to academic challenges and unjustified claims (Nell, 2011) Research findings are subject to temporal changes. This necessitates the construction of a paradigm in which temporal changes in scientific findings are factored into the initial findings to create coherence of knowledge (Nell, 2011).This provides teachers with an alternative to use other researches in the various fields with necessary shifts of paradigms to explicitly foster comprehensive understanding among learners. Essentially, no research proceeds without the influence of an initial course. Earlier researches provide basis to make inferences on current issues with necessary changes. Therefore, paradigms provide effective means through which coherence in research findings is attained without undue criticisms of the initial research. Scientific research is the fundamental driver of scientific progress, inventions, and innovations. It is important to create a smooth transition between research and its implementation. Research in itself is unable to cause the desired academic change without an effective implementation of the findings (Nell, 2011). Application of a theoretical claim in research is necessary whenever adequate research tools are made available. Research in essence provides a means through which theoretical knowledge finds justification. Human minds bear several unresolved doubts about the existence and changes in various aspects of life. It is therefore necessary that the perceptions of learners in a classroom set up be underscored by facts to justify the reality of such